Subject: The WORST supplements I've ever taken...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So, I mentioned the other day that I'd tell you about some of
the worst supplements I've ever taken...and there is some serious
garbage in this list.

On a side note, I just have to say a LOT of the worst
supplements were ones I tried when I first started training about
18 years ago. I've learned a lot since then but I still do try a
few new supplements here and there, just to see if there's
anything that works.

Time to get into it!...

1. Mega-calorie weight gainer formulas.

When I first started training, I weighed about 145 lb soaking
wet. I wanted nothing more than to get big and strong, and I knew
I had get a lot more calories in. So, of course, I went straight
for the Mega Mass 5000 line of products...all the companies had

I took them for quite awhile, then you know what stopped me?
First, I was gaining a LOT of fat along with the muscle (part of
it was the cafeteria food, to be fair, but a lot of it was from
the sugar and low-quality protein in this stuff), but the second
was I looked at the Cybergenics version of the mega-calorie

...It was a 3000 calorie per serving product.

...The can weighed 2 lbs.

...It cost $30.

...There were TWO servings per can.

That did it for me.

2. Glandulars

Nothing better than freeze-dried bull organ powder to build
monster muscle. Little did I know, when your stomach gets a hold
of these, they just get broken down into component proteins.
Nothing happens expect for a lightening of the wallet.

3. Boron

I have to say, this story always cracks me up because I can't
believe I was ever this stupid :)

It was my first year of university and I saw an ad for Boronal -
a boron-based product with some reasearch showing it boosted
"test." Of course, I didn't know the research was based on a
study done on malnourished orphans in Lithuania (scarily enough,
I'm not even joking about that!).

The ad said for 5 bucks (shipping and handling), I could get a
free bottle of this stuff. So naturally, I recruited 5 other
friends of mine to put in orders and I got 6 bottles of this
junk. The stuff was just useless and I ended up throwing out the
other 5 bottles.

Just goes to show you how scamming supplement companies can
twist research to create products that do absolutely nothing.

4. Liquid Creatine

Don't ever buy this stuff. It's beyond useless. I tried an
orange-flavored version of it about 10 years ago and it was
absolutely terrible. Creatine just isn't stable in suspension and
honestly, there is NO research showing it's any more effective
than (or even AS effective as) regular powdered creatine

There are still plenty of ads out there for different "newer"
versions of it but it's still the same garbage.

5. Ephedrine

Here's the thing with actually DOES work. It's
the side effects that get you. And I actually took ephedrine
(stacked with caffeine and aspirin) for quite a long time off and's just looking back on it that I realize it's probably
not a great supplement for most people.

I remember very clearly the first time I took it. Had a great
workout. Sleep was nowhere to be found until about 3 in the

I even took 3 times the recommended dose once before a high-rep
squat workout while on a fat-loss phase...that day I squatted 315
lbs for 40 reps, weighing about 190 lbs and eating low-carb. Felt
completely shattered after that, though, and my nervous system
was shot for a couple of days (let that be a lesson to you...more
is NOT always better!).

I think what really turned me off it wasn't a short-term side
effect but long-term sleep problems. Whenever I would take
ephedrine, I would have to use relaxing music to fall asleep and
even then, it took me a long time and I woke several times every

My nervous system was always tweaked and deep, restful sleep
always lacking.

So yeah, it does work for fat loss and getting amped up for a
workout but I would never take it again.


Those are my 5 worst supplements!

Now if do take supplements and you're interested in a more
in-depth look at what works, what doesn't and why, I HIGHLY
recommend a book my a colleague of mine, Mark Ottobre.. "The
Truth About Supplements"


He's really done a nice job with this one...lots of great
information about supplements that could save you a LOT of

- the differences between the different types of whey...isolates
and concentrates and which is better to take
- why soy protein is a complete waste of money
- the truth about NO products (nitric oxide) and muscle
- how to best use creatine for maximum results
- and a LOT more.

Like I said, VERY good info. Mark and I are on the same page
with the vast majority of the stuff he talks about in the book.



P.S. My best tip about supplements? Don't buy them at a retail
store like GNC. Buy them online. WAY cheaper.

Here's the store I get a lot of my stuff at:


And here's a HIGHLY recommended supplement company. I know the
owners and the lead product formulator and they're honest, which
is why I've partnered with them. They use top-quality ingredients
and their products are SCIENCE-based.


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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