Subject: The Truth About Magnesium and STRESS...

So 2020 is over...but the stress is pretty clearly NOT.

It may sound strange, but magnesium can actually HELP you deal with that stress.

Personally, I've been a fan of magnesium for a lot of years.

I was lucky enough to have read an article on the importance of it way back in the mid-90's (in the "Strong Shall Survive" series by Bill Starr, if you've read any of the old muscle mags), and I've been taking it ever since.

And everything I've read on it in the meantime has only further reinforced my opinion of it and how CRITICAL it is for literally EVERYBODY to be taking some.


It goes beyond strength and fitness, though...

A 2010 review of natural treatments for anxiety found that magnesium could be a treatment for anxiety. [9]

More recently, a 2017 review that looked at 18 different studies found that magnesium did reduce anxiety. [10]

These studies looked at mild anxiety, anxiety during premenstrual syndrome, postpartum anxiety, and generalized anxiety.

According to this review, one of the reasons why magnesium might help reduce anxiety is that it may improve brain function. Now, you might be thinking... "there are so many magnesium products out there, if magnesium were the solution to stress, more people would be stress-free."

Yep, you'd think that...however...the problem is two-fold.

FIRST, almost everyone is SEVERELY deficient in magnesium...even those who get the "recommended daily dose" because higher stress levels require much higher than RDA doses.

The problem is, even blood tests won't show it until it's almost too late...

Because your body wants to keep magnesium levels consisent in your bloodstream, it pulls it from your BONES.

So by the time you show low magnesium in your bloodstream, it means your bones have been throroughly depleted of the mineral...and that's not good.



Most magnesium supplements fail to help you beat stress…

Now that you understand how critical magnesium is, it might be tempting to run out to your local drug or health food store and buy some magnesium.

Unfortunately, most magnesium products won't do much for you, for two primary reasons:

  • They are synthetic, unnatural, and not recognized by your body... and…

Which means they're missing the various forms of magnesium needed to target various organs in the body and to handle all sources of stress...and boost your performance in every key area.

Most people get 1-2 forms of synthetic magnesium (at best); which is why they typically feel little or nothing from supplements.

It's better than nothing, sure, but somtimes not much better.

However, something almost "magical" occurs when your body gets ALL the magnesium that it needs, in all the forms that it needs at the optimal dosage.

>> Discover how getting ALL 7 FORMS Of Magnesium can dramatically reduce your stress levels and imprpove your performance

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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