Subject: The Tib Bar your ankles, biceps and even your glutes (for real)...

The Tibialis Anterior muscles are the unsung heroes of calf and ankle training.

Which is not surprising given that calf and ankle training is something that most people RARELY ever even do!

When people DO train calves, they generally focus on either standing calf raises, seated calf raises or donkey calf raises.

However (and this is especially critical for athletes), for optimal strength and joint stability as well as injury prevention (I'm looking at you shin splints), you NEED to train ankle dorsiflexion as well, which is a fancy way of saying pulling your toes up.

This works the tibialis anterior muscle on the front of your shins, which helps achieve more strength balance in the joint.

And the best way to work that movement is with a Tib Bar... such as the Tib Bar from Trainnox.

The tibialis anterior bar is not a new concept in general but you're going to find out how the Trainnox Tib Bar stacks up and what OTHER incredible exercises it can be used for!

Check out my full review here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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