Subject: The Thermo 3 / Fat Depletion Protocol...

Let me just start by saying, while this Protocol isn't mine, it looks VERY interesting and potentially effective enough that I'm going to give it a try myself to see how well it works.

I've done variations of this dietary approach that are similar to this, and after reading the protocol and doing a lot of research on the subject, I can see the potential here.


What IS the Thermo 3 / Fat Depletion Protocol?

It's a short-term dietary strategy designed to force your body to clear hormone-suppressing "PUFAs"... polyunsaturated fatty acids.

PUFAs are everywhere these days, especially in seed oils like canola, sunflower, soybean, corn, flax...even vegetable oils and peanut oils...they're also in the meat of animals that EAT these foods (chicken and pork are high in these as a result, for example, while pasture-raised poultry and grass-fed beef are not).

When you have free fatty acids or blood fat, a lot of it will be PUFA fat and PUFA fat depresses your testosterone levels.

The Effect of Macronutrients on Reproductive Hormones in Overweight and Obese Men: A Pilot Study -

PUFAs also depress thyroid activity, lowering your metabolism (and causing a host of other health issues).


The Thermo 3 protocol helps deplete and remove the PUFAs in your body, raising your metabolic rate and potentially improving testosterone production.

If you'd like to learn more about the Thermo 3 / Fat Depletion Protocol, click here (FYI, this page is primarily targeted to men, though the protocol works for women, too).


And just so you know up front, the video that you'll see on that page talks about burning fat and breathing it out as carbon dioxide.

This is actually's how the body works with ALL fat burning....84 percent of a fat molecule's atoms are exhaled as carbon dioxide, and the remaining 16 percent end up as water.

It's the transformation of fat into carbon dioxide that creates the energy that your body uses.


After going through the video, you'll be able to pick up the Thermo 3 / Fat Depletion Protocol for just ONE DOLLAR.

Be sure to read through all the terms before you pick up the Thermo 3 report, so you know exactly what to expect. After 7 days, unless you cancel, you will receive a subscription to their newsletter. If you want to cancel that, you can do so at any time (I actually get it and it has a lot of excellent info in it).

I'll definitely keep you posted on how the Fat Depletion Protocol works for me!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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