Subject: The "SECRET" way to target the upper chest with push-ups...

If you've ever tried to target your upper pecs with Feet-Elevated Push-Ups, you've probably run into one big problem...

The floor.

When you do a normal decline push-up (feet up on a bench, body angled down), you'll notice that as you come to the bottom, you have to flatten out your chest in order to keep your face from hitting the floor.

This takes away some of that upper pec focus on the exercise.

We're going to solve that with a simple setup...

Set your hands on a bench (front edge) and hook your feet over a bar (or other solid object a few feet higher than the bench) to get your body at a downwards angle.

Because your hands on the front edge, you're also going to get some additional tension by keeping yourself in place and tension from gripping the padding of the bench.

To do this one, just set the bench a few feet in front of the bar - I'm using a bar set in the power rack and pulled up against the uprights. You can adjust the height of the bar to your liking.

Get your feet hooked over the bar and get your body straight. Now you're in the top position of the push-up.

Lower yourself down then repeat.

As you can see in the bottom position, my head is below the level of the bench and my body is straight rather than being forced to flatten out to accomodate the floor. This is what allows you to keep that declined body position and maintain tension on your upper pecs.

It's a fairly simple push-up's not crazy difficult, if you can do normal push-ups already. The key is in the setup for your body position at the bottom

Want more bodyweight exercises like this?

I've got 5 more for you to try out here!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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