Subject: The ROOT of your strength is NOT your muscles...

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Yes...muscles provide the drive that moves your limbs, which moves the weight...but they're not the REAL root of your strength.

That's your connective tissue..tendons, ligaments, fascia, bones, etc.

In my 30+ years of training I've managed to stay pretty much injury free despite all the insane things that I do (I'm talking exercises and the crazy heavy loads that I use for some things) BECAUSE of the connective tissue strength that I've developed.

Literally, some of the things I do would crush a person who hasn't trained the way I have.

I'm not saying this to brag but to give you an idea of what I think is the TRUE basis of strength.

Muscle is relatively easy to develop...but it's also relatively easy to lose. Connective tissue strength PERSISTS, even if you take a layoff.

The way I've developed my connective tissue is with a lot of heavy partial trainining, static holds and loaded carries.

However, that's not always a good option for everybody.

There is another way...

THIS is that other way.

Not to sound corny, but it's how Ninjas were able to perform almost superhuman feats of strength, power and agility. They trained their connective tissue in a very specific way that allowed the incredible forces of their movements to be absorbed without injury.

Just like some of the stuff I do would crush most people, I'm quite sure a lot of the stuff THEY did would crush ME!

The major difference with how they trained versus how I train is in loading...they never used superheavy loading like this to strengthen tendons and ligaments. They had ways to accomplish the same goal without that.

If you'd like to find out how they did and learn how to apply it to your own training, click here.

To my mind, there is no better way to improve your training longevity and body durability than developing your connective tissue.

And this is a fantastic way to do it without crushing yourself :)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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