Subject: The REAL way to build your biceps...(and it's not curls)

Every guy wants bigger biceps. Problem is, most guys focus on curls. Curls and
curls and curls...if doing curls gave you big biceps you'd already have them.

And I'll tell you right now, I didn't get my arms looking like this with curls alone...

The truth is, biceps growth comes from exercises that overload the biceps while
training them with the other muscles it's designed to work with. In other words,
you must train and target the biceps with compound movements that work the
elbow and shoulder joints at the same time.

I don't think you'd argue that Olympic gymnasts who perform the rings event
have the some of the best biceps development on the planet.

And those guys NEVER do a biceps curl. They challenge the biceps the way
they're designed to work...with the upper back.

So if you need some new biceps mass, check out this simple but effective exercise
demonstrated by Chad Waterbury that targets the biceps with a compound movement:

And if you're ready to take your development to the next level, don't miss out
on Chad's excellent "High Frequency Training" system. It will add mass where
you need it most within 28 days...

Read more about High Frequency Training for muscle here...

And just fyi, don't wait because Waterbury's HFT system is on sale for $50 off
until Wednesday at midnight then the price goes up.


P.S. For everybody who picks up Chad's "High Frequency Training" program, I'm
also going to kick in a copy of my own book "The Best Mass Exercises You've
Never Heard Of
". Just forward your receipt to and we'll
get a download link over to you!

Get your copy of High Frequency Training here...


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