Subject: The REAL trick to flattening your stomach...

It's NOT doing fact, crunches are the LAST exercise you should do if you want a flatter stomach.

Quick question for you...

If I were to give you an ACE bandage, and ask... how you would wrap that around your waist to make your belly look slimmer? What would you do…

Would you take that ace bandage and warp it under your legs and over your shoulders around and around in a vertical fashion? Like this…

Or would you wrap it around your waist like a corset? Like this…

That one makes sense, right? Here’s why this is so important…

You see, most common core exercises like sit ups and crunches target a muscle group called the rectus abdominis. And…

This muscle group runs vertically on your stomach and are the muscles you see when someone has a flat belly or a 6 pack. However…

Since these muscle fibers run vertically, strengthening this muscle group can’t do much to help tighten your waistline because it acts much like the ace bandage wrapped vertically around your body. Even worse…

In a study published by Clinical Biomechanics in 2010 researchers concluded that repetitive flexion exercises like sit-ups and crunches that target the rectus abdominis can cause disk herniation!

So basically, most of the common exercises you learn in the gym to strengthen your core and flatten your belly, simply won’t help you and can even injure your back!

But this is what makes the workouts you’ll learn about today different from all other core routines. You see…

The unique exercises that you’re about to learn...exercises that you’ve probably never heard of like… birthday candles… tin soldier… and the oyster…

They target muscles deep within your core called the transverse abdominis and the internal obliques. This is important because...

These deep core muscles have muscle fibers that run horizontally around your belly and act just like the ACE bandage wrapped directly around your waist.

As these muscles get strengthened... your posture changes and you stomach will get flatter and tighter almost immediately. Even better…

Due to the fact that the internal obliques angle slightly upwards, you’ll even notice a lifting effect on your lower abdomen and love handles when you activate these muscles.

These exercises came from an advanced practice of physical therapy that was originally intended to help people rehabilitate from all sorts of aches and pains including back, hip, knee, shoulder and even neck pain. So…

Don’t be surprised if many of your aches and pains disappear as you begin to follow these workouts.

My friends over at Warrior Made have partnered with a doctor of physical therapy whose created a system of simple yet extremely effective exercises that you can use to flatten your stomach FAST!

Click Here And Claim Your [almost] Free DVD of Dr. Created Ab Workouts - just cover a small shipping fee and you'll get the DVD delivered right to your home!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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