Subject: The REAL root of what's killing your fat loss...

Pop quiz...which of these would you say is the biggest monkey wrench in your fat-loss efforts?

-Fatty foods
-White Sugar
-High fructose corn syrup
-Lack of exercise
-All of the above

well, being honest, it doesn't really matter which one is the worst...ALL of these contribute to the one BIG problem that's killing your fat loss...

...and that big problem is
Hormonal Distress.

This is a vicious circle of one hormonal problem after another...each one leading to the NEXT one until your fat loss just comes to a grinding halt..
See if this rings a bell..

1. You've Got Poor Insulin Sensitivity

High-glycemic snacking combined with high stress makes your body more resistant to the effect of takes more of it to process the sugar you're eating.

2. You've Got High Cortisol

Cortisol is a critical "fight or flight" hormone...and when we're under stress, it shoots WAY up in response.

The problem is, Testosterone and Cortisol work like a teeter-totter (also Newton’s Third Law). When one goes up, the other one drops. So this rise in stress has caused a constant...

3. Drop in Your Testosterone
(bad for men AND women)

The flattening out of Testosterone in men and women has a serious long-term impact on Dopamine (the "feel good" neurotransmitter in your brain). As testosterone drops it causes…

4. A Drop in Dopamine

And what happens when you don't feel happy? Well, this often leads to poor food choices, such as sugary snacks, which then causes the cycle to REPEAT.


So as you can see...the problem is not necessarily those individual things I's the hormonal effects that they CAUSE in your body that's the real problem.

How do you put a halt to this cycle? Bob Newhart would put it...just don't eat those things anymore. Very Zen...and also easier said than done!

If you need a little more help than that, I've got you covered there, too... :).

My friend and colleague, Jason Klein (who worked as fitness instructor for the US Marines!), has put together a powerful (and time efficient!) solution to combat the root-problem of fat storage due to hormonal distress.

And it literally takes just 24-minutes a week (Click Here to find out how)

I know it doesn't seem like much time...but keep in mind, that's only the TRAINING time you're looking at.

Obviously, the other food and lifestyle choices you make are going to contribute a LOT to the results you get.

However, these short, NO equipment workouts (that you can do in the privacy of your own home), are the SPARK that will IGNITE your fat-burning engine.

Being a Marine fitness instructor, Jason's training programs HAD to work...and work FAST. No exceptions.

It's time put a STOP to that vicious cycle of hormonal distress and fat gain once and for all.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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