Subject: The REAL key to fat loss when you're 40+ years old...

I'll cut right to the's Growth Hormone.

If you're over 40, you NEED your training and your nutrition
to elicit a strong GH response in your body. It can literally
make or break your results.

If you don't know how to train (and eat) to achieve it, the
vast majority of the results you're trying to achieve simply
will not happen.

The reason is we get older, the natural production
of hormones such as GH and testosterone, decreases.

This makes fat loss harder.

However, how you train and how you eat can bring those
levels BACK UP. This makes fat loss orders of magtitude
easier to achieve.

So how you do train and eat for this?

Now testosterone (and yes, it's imporant even for women),
is tougher to bring up just with diet and exercise. Training
with reasonably heavy resistance is the key to increasing
that as best you can, as is not eating TOO low fat (your
body actually NEEDS some intake of saturated fat and
cholesterol to make this hormone).

In fact, truth be told, low-fat diets are among the biggest
causes of low-test levels because of this lack of saturated
fat and dietary cholesterol. Now, I'm not saying go eat
lard or anything like that, but living off chicken breasts
and vegetables is a surefire way to drop your test levels
into the toilet and make fat-loss WAY harder than it has
to be.

That leaves us with the REAL workhorse hormone of fat
loss after 40...the one that can be most easily manipulated
with diet and training...Growth Hormone.

At it's simplest, you need to do resistance training with
very little rest to build up Lactic Acid. The drop in pH (the
measure of acidity) tells your body to secrete large
amounts of GH in response.

And it's one of, if not THE most potent fat-loss and
muscle-sparing hormones you've got.

Train for it and eat for it correctly (and that means keeping
your insulin levels in check, so watch your carb intake,
especially before training) and the fat will come off.

I've posted about various methods of Lactic Acid Training
before, and I use it in my own programs so all this may
not be new to you.

If, however, this IS new to you, I would HIGHLY recommend
you consider picking up a copy of the Challenge Fat Loss
I've been talking about this past week.

Being honest, it's not some magic pill program that's
going to suddenly cause the fat to leap off your body
and run screaming for the hills (there's a visual).

It IS, however, a very well-constructed fat-loss program
put together in the form of easy-to-understand follow-
along video lessons
where the creator, Shawna Kaminski,
is right there to guide you through every rep of every

And each workout is done in less than 20 MINUTES
(oh snap, did I just take away your excuse of having no
time to workout ;).

I think this format is invaluable, especially if you're newer
to training and/or like a little guidance and motivation as
you train.

Bottom line is this...

If you're looking for a kick in the butt to get your
training productive in the fat loss department again,
this is absolutely a program I would recommend for you.

Click here to check it out now and grab your copy
... because today is going to be your last chance to
get it at HALF the price it will normally be offered at.

AND, it'll be your last chance to get a free copy of any
single one of my Best Exercises books along with it.

It doesn't matter if you used a lin
k in my emails or not...

Just forward your receipt to with
your choice of which book you'd like (see list below) and
we'll send you a download link. That's it.

Of course, I'd appreciate it if you DID use my link but it's not necessary.

Here's the link for Challenge Fat Loss again...

And here's the list of books to choose from:

  • The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of (the original)
  • The Best Arm Exercises
  • The Best Abdominal Exercises
  • The Best Chest Exercises
  • The Best Back Exercises
  • The Best Shoulder Exercises
  • The Best Mass Exercises
  • The Best Fat Loss Exercises
  • The Best Mass Exercises
  • The Best Bodyweight Exercises

Pick your bonus and send your receipt to
and we'll hook you up!

Grab your copy of Challenge Fat Loss here before the price doubles...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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