Subject: The Perfect Body Formula For Guys <---- [proven]

Got something very cool for you here today...a video showing
you exactly what science has determined to be the dimensions
and characteristics of the perfect male body.

And yes, these were determined by the very ladies that most guys
are training to impress in the first place!

Not only that, you'll also see 3 science-proven strategies for
targeted fat loss and muscle growth designed to move you closer
to this 'perfect form'.

This is the perfect male body -------- proven

A TON of studies have now proven this exact body creates the
most physical attraction from females than any other physique...

...BY FAR.

So if you're training to impress the ladies (and there's
nothing wrong with that as a major motivation! Hey, it gets
you off the couch, right :), this is information you're going
to want to have.

This is the perfect male body -------- proven


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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