Subject: The ONE simple exercise that will get you six-pack abs that POP...

If you want six-pack abs that POP, you have to work the Rectus Abdominis muscle with RESISTANCE.

Because honestly, thousands of reps of crunches (which aren't that great of an exercise in the first place) just won't get the job done and can cause a host of other problems in your body.

And sit-ups, while being a challenging exercise to the abs, can be very tough on the lower back due to the torque involved.. In addition, they focus a LOT on the hip flexors with abs being a secondary player.

Crunches and sit-ups have been a bit demonized in the fitness industry for the past few years...and while there ARE very good reasons why these exercises have been "attacked," I don't think we should throw the baby out with the bathwater.

The six-pack abs still need to be worked directly...they just need to be worked smarter.


So what's the solution for hitting the six-pack and not screwing up your back?

You know I won't leave you hanging!

This exercise is called the Abdominal Sit-Up and here's why it's so good...

  • It uses a sit-up-like movement but focuses directly on the abdominal muscles as a primary mover rather than the hip flexors (which a regular sit-up does).
  • It's very safe for your lower back because of the change in leverage involved.
  • It targets the stretched (arched back) range of motion of the abs, which is totally missed in standard floor crunch.
  • It puts FAR more resistance on the six-pack area than a standard crunch, giving you much better development so that your abs are visible, even at higher bodyfat levels.

How To Do Abdominal Sit-Ups:

To perform this exercise, you'll need a simple rolled-up towel.

Lie on your back on the floor. Roll up the towel and set it underneath your lower back, just above the waistband (the size of the towel affects your body position during this movement - use a fairly large towel).

Your knees should be bent about 90 degrees. Keep your feet close together and knees fairly wide apart. This "frog leg" position prevents the hip flexors from having a direct line of pull, helping to minimize their involvement.

Do not anchor your feet or have someone hold them down. That would automatically activates the hip flexors. You'll get the most out of this exercise by minimizing their involvement.

You are now ready to begin.

Hold your arms out in front of you. Then, keeping your torso straight and stiff, start the sit-up by tightening your lower abs then lifting your upper body off the  floor.

As you continue up, imagine trying to push your face up against the ceiling (think up, not around). When you reach about 25 to 30 degrees above horizontal, hold there for a second or two and squeeze your abs hard.

Keep your lower back in contact with the towel at all times and always maintain tension in the abs.

Lower yourself down slowly and under control. Do not just drop back to the ground. The negative portion of this exercise is extremely effective.

To make the exercise harder, move your arms up so your hands are beside your head (don't grip the back of your head and pull on your neck).

To squeeze a bit more difficulty out of this variation, when you're in that top position, curl your torso in a little further (like an elevated crunch). This will give you a little stronger contraction on the six-pack abs.

Once you've mastered that, the next level of difficulty will be arms overhead.

As you come up, imagine as though you're pushing palm prints onto the ceiling. This will give you even greater six-pack activation and resistance.

Your abs will be SCREAMING by the end of this...and you'll feel it from the very first rep.


Targeting the Lower Abdominal Area With Leg Raises

This same rolled-up towel setup can be used to target the lower abs with Leg Raises. Keep your knees somewhat bent and lift your feet off the floor.

Now do a leg raise, rolling your back up and over the towel. The angle formed by the towel at the start puts very targeted tension on the lower abdominal area.

Hold briefly at the top, then lower back down under complete control.


That's the Abdominal Sit-Up...a great exercise targeting the six-pack abs.

It's a very challenging bodyweight exercise that can be done very frequently...3-5 times per week for 1-3 sets. I recommend training abs at the end of your training sessions, after you're done with everything else. That way, a fatigued core won't affect your training performance in other exercises.

The key thing to remember with this exercise is we're not looking for speed or power...we're looking for tension and control.

THAT is what's going to really get you six-pack abs that pop!

If you'd like to see the video of this exercise in action (recommended), I've got it posted on my YouTube Channel here.

And if you're interested in even MORE insanely effective abdominal exercises like this one, definitely check out my book "The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of"

You'll get 77 killer exercises like this one for only 9 BUCKS!


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Maximum Mass
Mad Scientist Muscle
Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss
Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt Now!
The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of
The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of
