Subject: The Lung Crusher Workout... (yep)

This fat loss/metabolic conditioning workout is designed to literally crush the air out of you the whole way through as a way to first, train your breathing muscles to function under load and, second, teach you how to breathe under load (it's very different than normal breathing).

(And just FYI, I was also calling this one the F-U Circuit while I was doing it...pretty much the whole way through...this is not for beginners or the faint of heart).

In addition to the lung crushing, you'll get some excellent metcon training from this one.

To perform this workout, you'll go non-stop through these four exercises with a loaded carry in between each exercise.

Check it out here.

Dumbbell Zercher Carries.

Enjoy! (but you won't)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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