Subject: The Lactate Sandwich Workout for stubborn fat burning...

This is going to BURN.

It's a total-body workout that will challenge all three of your major energy systems and all of your major muscle groups in one non-stop, metabolism-cranking workout.

You're going to be rotating between four exercises...a heavy, single-rep deadlift, then light-weight versions of dumbbell bench press, chest-supported dumbbell rows and dumbbell split squats. The single-rep deadlift will be done sandwiched in between each of the light exercises as your "rest."

This strategically shifts the workload around to different areas of your body while at the same shifting between different muscle fibers types and energy systems, allowing you to keep working continuously for a long stretch of time.

And even though you're doing four exercises, you only need a couple of pieces of equipment and minimal floorspace...just a barbell, a bench and a pair of dumbbells and you're all set.

You're going to do 3-5 rounds (or more, if you like) through these exercises, non-stop. I did 5 rounds and was done in a little over 18 minutes...and that was plenty for the day.


Exercise #1 - Single Rep Deadlifts

These can be done with either a trap bar (recommended) or a straight bar. Use about 80-85% of your 1 RM. I've got 425 lbs on the bar for this demo.

Perform a single rep.

Set the bar down then move immediately to your next exercise with NO rest.


Exercise #2 - Very High Rep Dumbbell Bench Press

Go very light with these. I'm using a pair of 35 lb dumbbells for this, which is probably about 30% of my 1 RM with the exercise. You want to be able to get at least 30-40+ reps with these on the first round through (that'll drop on successive rounds).

This is where the lactate is going to start (FYI, lactate is the "real" thing that causes the burning in your muscles, not lactic acid...also not to be confused with lactation, which is definitely not the goal of this workout).

Set the dumbbells down then immediately do ANOTHER single rep with the deadlift.


Exercise #3 - Chest-Supported Dumbbell Rows

Go back to your bench and use the same dumbbells for the next exercise.

When performing these, you may not be able to get full extension at the bottom because the floor will get in the way. That's totally fine...just shorten the movement and keep tension on the muscles.

This will actually work to your advantage by keeping lactate in your muscles due to the occlusion (i.e. slowing the outgoing circulation) effect of continuous tension.

Set the dumbbells down then perform another single rep of the deadlift.


Exercise #4 - Dumbbell Split Squats (bench assisted)

Again, use the same set of dumbbells as you have for the previous light this case, just one of the dumbbells, held in the same side hand as your forward leg is (i.e. left hand and left leg forward).

Optionally, you can also choose to assist/spot yourself out of the bottom by pushing down against the bench out of the bottom with your other hand.

You don't HAVE to do this, but I found it a very effective way to get more reps with the exercise, which generates more lacate and allows you to push your legs even further. This is especially helpful as you get deeper into the workout and lacate starts to really catch up to you. It's a great way to get more reps.

Then switch sides and switch legs.

(In the next round, start with other leg first).


Now you're starting Round 2.

Do another single rep of deadlifts.

Then continue with the exact same pattern of exercises.

1 rep deadlift
AMRAP light dumbbell bench press
1 rep deadlift
AMRAP light chest-supported rows
1 rep deadlift
AMRAP light split squats.


Keep going, with no rest, for 3-5 (or more) total rounds of this.

The heavy single rep of deadlifts is going to be the limiting factor in terms of how far you'll be able to go. If your form starts to break in the deadlift, end the workout there. Pushing yourself into using poor form could lead to injury, which we want to avoid.

That being said, this workout is going to really teach you and TRAIN you to exert power and strength while fatigued due to lactate accumulation. This is something incredibly useful for athletes.

If you can exert a lot of power in this state, while still maintaining good mechanics and form, you're going to be a better athlete...4th quarter strength, so to speak.

You're going to be rotating through the three major energy systems of your body on a continuous basis...

  • ATP-PC, which is the powerful, short-acting energy system. This is most active on the heavy singles.
  • the glycolytic/lactate system, which is the moderate-range and weight system. This is most active when you get past the first round of the workout, after lactate accumulation reduces your rep ranges on the light sets.
  • the aerobic/oxidative system, which is the longer-duration'll be most active in the first round of the workout and also continuously as your body strives to keep recovering from the constant work

Overall, this is a fast, highly-effective workout that requires very little equipment and very little space...perfect for a home gym or crowded commercial gym.

You can watch the full video of this workout here.

Or click here to start from the demo.


This one will be going into a future update of my Metabolic Monsters book.

If you don't have this one yet, and you like the workout above, you will LOVE the stuff you find in this book.

It's got 75 more workouts right along this same line...and if you own it, you'll get these new workouts FREE with the update.

These workouts will get you ripped AND strong, while helping you keep ALL your muscle mass (you will probably gain some, to be honest!).

Learn more about this killer program here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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