Subject: The Kettlebell Squat: Mistakes and Fixes

The squat is one of those movements that a lot of people *think* they know how to do properly...but quite often don't.

There's a lot more to it than "just squat, bro."

Got a great instructional video from Forest Vance on how to do the kettlebell squat properly here.

So watch the video, try applying some of the tips and at your next kettlebell workout, and see if you notice the difference!

If you found this video helpful, check out the 40-day CORE Kettlebell Challenge course

You’ll lose fat, improve performance, change your mind, and change your life...

...all you need is two kettlebells and twenty minutes per day.

Plus, as a free bonus when you purchase at the page linked below, you get full footage of a kettlebell workshop Forest recently did at his studio, so that you can see all the moves broken down to the level (and further) that he does in this video.

Get all the details about the CORE Kettlebell Challenge program here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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