Subject: The KEY to bringing up stubborn muscles is...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News


Yep, this is something I rely on in my own training - I have
certain bodyparts...who shall remain nameless... (shoulders and
calves) that I have a terrible time getting anywhere on.

When I want to bring them up, I specialize on them...the idea
being that your body only has a certain amount of recovery energy
available to repair and rebuild, e.g. say 100 units. In normal
training, this 100 units is divided between all your bodyparts
that you work.

When you specialize, you can focus 80 to 90 units on ONE
bodypart. So imagine taking all the energy that would normally go
into recovering from heavy deadlifts or squats and putting it all
into your shoulders...or calves...or chest...

You get the idea.

I'm a big fan of the concept as it really meshes with my own
training experience. You can see some really shocking results
when you specialize properly.

Anyway, my buddy, Jeff Anderson (a.k.a. "Muscle Nerd"), has just
released his latest muscle-building program...all about
SPECIALIZING on problem muscle groups...if you can imagine that :)


You can check it out here...


Jeff has spent the last 4 years fine-tuning a unique training
method that ZEROES IN on your "lagging" body parts" and literally
FORCES them to kickstart new growth.

And I'm NOT talking about the same old "muscle mag" or forum
B.S.that tells you to simply go into the gym and train a muscle
like a madman until appendages start falling on the floor.

Jeff's developed a complete, scientifically-engineered, muscle
specialization "system" he calls "Micro-Burst Training" - I was
reading the book that comes with his package (it's a physical
product that ships to your door - a book/DVD/audio CD set) and I
really like what he's done with it.

It actually is based on sound principles - I'm going to take the
core concept of the Micro-Burst training for a test drive down in
my basement gym tonight then I'm going to hit you with a more
detailed review of the whole pacakge tomorrow.

I've got a few of my own specialization programs (you may have
seen a few of them), but I have say, Jeff's taken the concept to
a whole new level here with his stuff.


I'm going to be interviewing Jeff LIVE tomorrow via teleseminar
and I want YOU to listen in. You can submit questions, just
listen in, etc. I've known Jeff for years so I'm not shy to give
him a good grilling. We're going to be going through his best
training tips for each muscle group and some of the biggest
mistakes people make when training those parts. Should be good

Here's the info - I'll give you a reminder again tomorrow, too.
No charge - no need to sign up for anything. Just show up and
listen in:

EVENT: Jeff Anderson Interview
DATE & TIME: Tuesday, October 6th at 7:00pm Central
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your

And here's a link to his new Muscle Specialization program

