Subject: The Holy to build muscle and burn fat at the same time...

From: Nick Nilsson
Author of BetterU News

And yes, it IS truly possible to burn fat and build muscle at
the same's not easy but it can be done (you'll see
beginners do it with relative ease, but it gets WAY harder to
achieve the longer you train, unless you know what you're doing).

So here's the thing...

The BEST thing to do is to not try and achieve those two
competing goals at the exact same time but to do very short
cycles of each, alternating between fat-loss and muscle-building
to allow each "change-up" to build on the metabolic and
physiologic effects of the previous cycle.

If you've read my Metabolic Surge, Muscle Explosion or "Dirty
Little Secret" program books, you know I'm a HUGE fan of this
style of training. To me, it's really the best way to see rapid
results and come as close as you can to achieving that "holy
grail" of body transformation...burning fat and building muscle
at the same time.

And that's where Tom Venuto comes in...

If you haven't heard of Tom, I have to tell you he's a freaking
LEGEND in the fat loss and body transformation field. I've known
Tom for about 8 years now and his "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle"
book is a classic in the fat-loss covers practically
everything you need to know about effective long-term fat loss.


So now Tom has built on that classic by putting together a book
that goes into great detail about exactly what I was talking
about above...exactly HOW to structure a dietary and training
program to burn fat and build muscle in short burst cycles most

If you've got either one of my two programs that I mentioned
above, this "Holy Grail" style of training will be very familiar
to you.

If you've got just my "dirty little secret" program book, Tom's
book is going to really bring that program outline alive for you.
It's EXCELLENT stuff and well worth picking up a copy, even if
you've got my books, especially because...

...right now (for the next 3 days, I should say), Tom is adding
this new "Holy Grail Body Transformation Program" to his "Burn the
Fat, Feed the Muscle" program for NO extra charge. So when you
pick up his "Burn the Fat" book, you'll get the "Holy Grail" fr-ee...

You can learn more about both here:



I've also got a couple of cool things that I think you're going
to really enjoy...

1. Interview with Tom Venuto

On Wednesday, I'll be doing a live interview with Tom about the
Holy Grail program and his original Burn the Fat book. Since this
topic is one I know a whole lot about, I'll be doing some serious
grilling. Tom is VERY smart and even if you don't end up getting
his book, you are going to learn a LOT about body transformation.
Here's the info:

Title: Interview With Tom Venuto - Holy Grail
Time: Wednesday, May 12th at 8:00pm Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast

To attend, visit:

2. Four Book Best Exercises Bonus

So last week I said I would probably never give away my 4 Best
Exercises books as a bonus package again. Well, I was wrong. I've
decided to include this same bonus package in for Tom's book as
well! I know Joel's Xtreme Fat Loss program wasn't a perfect match
for everybody, being more targeted for advanced trainers and
those who aren't shy to perform extreme eating and training.

Tom's books are more "beginner-friendly" and I definitely don't
want to discriminate. So I'm making this four-book package bonus
available for this special offer as well. Get Tom's book package
through the link in this email by this Thursday night at midnight
and you'll get my four Best Exercises books as well




P.S. On a side note, got a link to a special fr-ee
muscle-building report you might also be interested in..."5
Reasons Why Most Workouts Suck" by Arnel Ricafranca. It's good
info - nothing earth-shattering, but I think even the best of us
need reminding of the basics from time to time :)

Grab your copy here:

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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