Subject: The Helix Lateral Trainer - Equipment Review

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The Helix Lateral Trainer is NOT your standard cardio's much more...

Now, personally I'm not a big fan of most cardio machines (bikes, stair machines, treadmills, etc.).

It's not that there's anything wrong with them it's just that I much prefer doing my cardio training outside carrying heavy things for distance.

However, the Helix is a different animal...

As you can see, it actually works a movement pattern (lateral) that the vast majority of cardio machines simple can't work (short of walking sideways on a treadmill doing cross-overs).

The Helix is a unique machine that has tremendous potential, not only for cardio training but for strengthening a whole host of different muscles than you would normally get at with most other machines.

Check out my full review here...(if you're in the market for cardio equipment, you need to see this)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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