Subject: The FASTEST way to lose fat when you're over 40...

Here's something we all know...when you're under 40, it's MUCH easier to burn fat.

When you're OVER 40, your body gets more resistant to the process.

However, it is NOT impossible to get abs when you're over 40...and you don't have to train like a crazy person like me, either ;).

The key thing you need to do is take advantage of is your body's #1 "fountain of youth" hormone...Growth Hormone.

GH levels can be increased through targeted training.

It's the whole purpose behind my various Lactic Acid Training protocols. It can also be increased through high intensity interval training (cardio) that gets your lactic acid cranking.

GH "unlocks" those stubborn fat cells, allowing you to access the fat you never thought you'd be able to burn off.

However, GH on it's own is not enough.

When you train to increase lactic acid (and GH), those molecules of fat (which are called free fatty acids) get released from the fat cells and start circulating through your bloodstream.

Fat isn't well-utilized by the body for energy for high intensity muscle contractions...which are the kind you're doing with interval training.

The issue then is this...

You've just released fat from your fat it's circulating through your blood stream...if it doesn't get burned for energy right away, where does it go?

Well...(and I'm simplifying the metabolic processes a lot) it goes right back into your fat cells in a process called "re-esterification."

Meaning the intense work you just did to release the fat didn't actually BURN all the fat that you thought it did because the specific style of training just doesn't burn fat efficiently.

It released it...but didn't burn it.

That's frustrating...and one of the main reasons people over 40 don't always see the results they're expecting with fat-loss training.

So How Do You Burn That "Free" Fat Before It Goes Back In?

Simple...LOW-intensity cardio training.

Something you can keep up for 5-10 minute straight at a fairly low-to-moderate pace is exactly what we're looking for.

Low-intensity cardio training burns primarily fat for energy.

You've just released the stubborn fat with the high-intensity training, so it's all there floating around your bloodstream, ready to be burned.

Now you do the slow cardio and burn it.

I've been doing this for the past several months... performing higher-intensity work then finishing every single workout with low-intensity my case, it's usually a 1 km shoulder-carry of a 65 lb heavy bag.

It takes me about 10 minutes to do and (for me), it's low-intensity...perfect for burning off those free fatty acids in my bloodstream.


After testing, I call tell you this this method works.

If you're interested in learning more about it and getting a more detailed plan for putting it all together, I recommend a program called the "Over 40 Ab Solution."

The website is a bit on the "hypey" side but look beyond that.

The information you'll get in the actual program is right on the money.

You'll learn exactly how to burn stubborn fat and KEEP it off, using training protocols designed from a scientific standpoint to access and burn it.

Learn more about the Over 40 Ab Solution here...and get abs over 40!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"


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