Subject: The Dangers of TRT...

As you get older, there’s a good chance your testosterone levels are starting to decline...

Not necessarily rapidly, though...

It's a slow and gradual drop of about one percent per year after you hit the age of 20.

And the older you get, the worse it becomes.

Studies show that testosterone levels are below 50 percent at age 60, 25 percent in men over 70, and below 10 percent in men who are 80 and older.

Natrually, most men want to alleviate the problem and increase their testosterone...which is why some head out to the doctor for a prescription of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT).


But is TRT the safest method for increasing your testosterone levels?

Here are the risks of TRT

If you’re struggling with…

  • Decreased libido
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Increased fat around your belly
  • and “softness"

Prescription injections and creams are not the answer…

Because low T is only part of the problem.

There are actually 3 reasons all of this is happening…

Find out what they are and how you can fix them by clicking here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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