Subject: The Dangers Of Vitamin D Supplements (controversial)

I take a Vitamin D3 supplement...maybe you do too.

If you do, you should definitely read this...

Raising your vitamin D to sufficient blood levels has been shown to:

- Reduce cancer risks in women by 77% (1)

- Reduce risks of catching the flu in children by 40% (2)

- Reduce your risks of developing type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes or metabolic syndrome, regardless of your weight (3)

- Reduce your risks of abdominal obesity (in plain English = belly fat!), elevated blood pressure, high glucose, low HDL, and high blood triglyceride concentrations (4)

You get the idea.

Vitamin D research has EXPLODED over the last years, and everyone has started taking a daily vitamin D supplement. I've been taking 5,000-10,000 IUs of vitamin D3 daily for years.

However, as I learned from Anthony DiClementi, my friend and author of The Biohacker’s Guide (the book he’s giving away for almost free at this link...just a small shipping fee), this MIGHT not be the best idea.

He explains: “Most experts now recommend that we maintain vitamin D levels in the blood of 50 ng/mL for optimal health. However, there is a great deal of controversy surrounding these recommendations. A study involving 1.2 million people showed that the lowest risk of mortality and cardiovascular disease were found in people with vitamin D levels between 20 to 36 ng/mL.”


How is that possible?

Anthony stresses that popping a Vitamin D3 supplement is definitely NOT the same thing as exposing your skin to the sun.

Natural sunlight contains the entire spectrum of light -- from infrared to ultraviolet. And when your skin gets in contact with these rays, it produces a molecule called “cholesterol sulfate”. This molecule is then slowly absorbed into your bloodstream. (5)

Now, there might be a lot of reasons why vitamin D supplementation alone might show certain risks for certain people:

a) The lack of vitamin K2, which is responsible for making sure the calcium circulating in your body ends up at the right place (NOT in your arteries). If you increase your vitamin D levels while being deficient in K2, you MIGHT increase your risks of heart disease.

b) Vitamin D3 might simply not be recognized by your body the way natural sunshine transformed into cholesterol sulfate is. Honestly, researchers don’t know yet!

So... What’s the lesson here? Should you TRASH your vitamin D supplement?

Not yet.

Lesson #1: What you SHOULD always do is try to get your vitamin D through sun exposure FIRST. You still get about 40% of the beneficial sunrays even when it’s cloudy. (6)

Make sure you get enough magnesium, vitamin K2 and vitamin A if you take a vitamin D supplement.

Lesson #2: Sometimes, you HAVE to go deeper and learn the whole picture. Taking a vitamin D supplement will NEVER replace getting sun exposure, just like taking a multivitamin will NEVER replace a healthy diet.

The key is to get educated. That’s why I wanted to give you a heads up about Anthony's book... "The Biohacker’s Guide To Upgraded Energy & Focus".

It's 500+ pages containing everything from Anthony’s most advanced techniques from light therapy and using magnets to speed up healing to his unique protocols to troubleshoot gut problems, autoimmunity, parasites & infections, hormonal dysfunction and a ton more...

===>The Biohacker’s Guide: Claim Your Copy Of Anthony’s Best Biohacks

FYI, this is NOT for everyone. If you’re just starting out, having all this knowledge WILL feel overwhelming.

But if you’ve been working on improving your health already you’ll LOVE learning about these next-levels biohacks. It's really interesting stuff - the research he's put into it is phenomenal.

===>The Biohacker’s Guide: Claim Your Copy Of Anthony’s Best Biohacks (just cover a small shipping fee)


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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