Subject: The "Cliffhanger" back exercise...(if you can do pull-ups, TRY this one)

This is truly a "functional" that if you're ever stuck on the edge of a cliff...

...Ok, so maybe it's not directly functional in situations that most people will find themselves in. It IS functional in that it demands isometric "holding" strength while also utilizing body movement skills to traverse yourself side-to-side on the cross-beam of a cable cross-over machine.

Yet another in a long list of exercises of mine that will get you kicked out of Planet Fitness...

To perform this one, you'll need a long horizontal bar set far enough off the ground that your feet won't touch the ground. This can be in the form of a cross-beam (as I mentioned above) or possibly the I beam of a basement or other long ledge or bar.

What you're going to be doing is simply traversing in one direction then back in the other many times/as far as you can, supporting your body with just your arms while moving.

If you've ever watched "American Ninja Warrior" on TV, this is a similar concept to the "Cliffhanger" event.

When performing this, you'll want to keep your elbows as close to 90 degrees as you can. This is the strongest position for maintaining strength and movement ability during the exercise.

Start by gripping over top of the beam then pulling your body into that 90 degree arm position.

Shift your right hand off to the side, supporting most of your weight on your left hand.

Then bring your left hand over, close to your right.

Repeat this pattern until you've moved as far as you can in one direction.

When you watch the video for it, you'll notice that I do use body momentum and swinging to help progress across the bar. You can also do it without momentum, but I find it very helpful when used properly and under control.

Now move back in the other direction.

When you've come as far as you can, you can do either of two things...keep going (for as far and as long as you can to push your strength-endurance), or you can stop and take a rest and do these as "sets". Both approaches are effective.

In the video, I just kept going (4 times up and down the bar).

You will need to be strong to hold your body in this position while you're doing it, so starting pull-up strength is going to be important.

That being said, if you've been looking for a new way to challenge yourself and REALLY work your back hard in a way it's NEVER been worked before, this exercise will do the trick.

The constant shifting of load (your bodyweight), in addition to the dynamic stabilization required during the traversing makes this an incredibly effective exercise for developing back, arm and grip strength.

This one has become one of my favorite "go to" exercises when I want to target my back in a time-efficient set, pushing yourself as far as you can go and you're done.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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