Subject: The “Chasm Push-Up Workout” challenge...

The Chasm Push-Up is great push-up variation.

It’s one of the most effective exercises for building strength & muscle in your chest. Why?...

With the normal push up, the floor limits your range of motion. With the Chasm Push-up, you're able to get deeper into the range of motion, damaging more muscle fibers (which builds strength and muscle mass).

Here’s how to do it.

Find two sturdy chairs and place them in front of an elevated surface. Your feet will be on the elevated surface and your hands will be on each chair (hand position in a normal push up). Slowly drop down into the push up, then press back up.

If this is too easy, you can move the chairs further away from each other. This will create even deeper stretch on your chest.

Here’s an 8 minute workout for you to try that is super challenging and uses the Chasm Push-Up. mixed with other push-up variations.

8 one-minute Intervals: 45 seconds of performing the exercise alternated with 12 seconds rest

  1. Exercise 1: Chasm Push Up
  2. 12 seconds rest
  3. Exercise 2: Decline Push Up
  4. 12 seconds rest
  5. Exercise 3: Chasm Push Up
  6. 12 seconds rest
  7. Exercise 4: Incline Push Up
  8. 12 seconds rest
  9. Exercise 5: Chasm Push Up
  10. 12 seconds rest
  11. Exercise 6: Slouched Push Up
  12. 12 seconds rest
  13. Exercise 7: Chasm Push Up
  14. 12 seconds rest
  15. Exercise 8: Narrow Push Up

It only takes 8 minutes to complete. The above workout is just one of 7 push-up workouts that are part of my friend, Bodyweight Todd’s Ultimate 7 Day Push Up Challenge.

There is no charge to join this challenge and it will help you build tremendous upper body strength. Just download the app and the workout instructions will available inside (you'll be able to see what each of those push-up variations looks like, so you know what to do).

Get Access To The Ultimate 7 Day Push Up Challenge

This challenge is extremely fun. You'll be put on a 5 person team that is also doing the 7 Day Push Up Challenge and go “head-to-head” against another 5 person team in a battle for points.

Give it a shot!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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