Subject: The Best Power Rack Exercises book...last chance!

Right now, you can get The Best Power Rack Exercises You've Never Heard Of for just 10 bucks...however, the price will be doubling tonight at midnight.

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So you might be asking yourself...


"Why do I need this book? I know a lot of exercises already."

And honestly, that is THE question when it comes to unique exercise books like this one. And I'll tell you why...


1. You can use the rack to hit your muscles in ways you just CAN'T hit your muscles with conventional training.

For example, the Rear Delt Rack-Rail Raise gives your rear delts something work against at the top of the exercise. The rear delt lateral raise is a great exercise when done normally. The weakest part of the movement is the very top...which is also the best part of the movement.

By using the rack rails in this strategic fashion, you give your rear delts something to continue to work against at the best part of the movement. Instead of just contracting against air, they're pushing against the unmoving rails. This DRAMATICALLY ramps up the tension on the rear delts at the most effective point of the exercise.

If you've tried it, you know what I'm talking about.


2. You need to use different angles and movements to maximize hypertrophy.

Yes, you can absolutely achieve substantial growth sticking with just the basics. However, if you do limit your exercise selection, you will only be hitting a certain set of muscle fibers and motor units.

Those fibers will experience growth, but what about the ones that AREN'T fully worked with those same angles? They'll get some stimulation, but not enough to really maximize growth.

End result: you're not as big as you could be.

The Nilsson Curl exercise is a great example of this. It works the biceps similar to a regular curl, however by switching the movement to a bodyweight exercise and moving your body instead of the weight, you're hitting a whole different set of muscle fibers.

Your bicep growth will explode.


3. Assistance exercises will get you stronger.

Experienced, elite powerlifters don't do just bench, squats and deadlifts all the time. Because they're lifting so much in those big exercises, if they tried to do only those big movements, their nervous system and recover would be shot.

They're constantly using unique exercises to target the weak links in their lifts. You'll see them doing variations of tricep extensions to shore up their bench press. You'll see them doing direct lower back work with light weight. You'll even see them on the abductor and adductor machines (for real).

The Rack GHR setup is a great example of this. It mimics the Glute/Ham Raise machine you'll see in many serious gyms. That exercise is one the single best exercises for strengthening the posterior chain without overloading the nervous system.

This rack setup even has one big'll be pushing with your heels, which further increases activation. Most GHR machines have pads that sandwich your ankles. You're pushing against them with your ankles. Activation is good, but when you push your heels to lock in the movement, it's better.


4. You get more out of your equipment

If you train at home especially, you need a book like this to maximize what you can do with your power rack. Even if you train in a regular gym, it gives you a TON of options for getting more done...especially if you train at a busy gym where not a lot of people use the power racks.


5. They're fun.

Don't underestimate the value of having FUN in the gym. Training SHOULD be fun. Sure, there are times when you have to just get under the bar and do the work, but if that's ALL you do, it gets boring.

Training variety keeps your brain engaged, keeps you looking forward to workouts, and actually DOES help prevent injury by strengthening a variety of aspects of movement instead of just a few.


Bottom Line

You've got until midnight tonight to pick up this book for just 10 bucks.

After that, the price will DOUBLE.

This book is packed with 80 exercises, covering your entire body, that will hit you in ways you've never experienced before.

If you like the unique movements that I send to you via email, you're going to LOVE the stuff you find in this book.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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