Subject: The Best Fat Loss Exercises You've Never Heard Of...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Just a quick email for you here today...

At midnight tonight, Joel Marion and Arnel Ricafranca are going
to be releasing their new 1000 Calorie Challenge fat loss program
(I had mentioned this a couple of weeks back so you could grab
their free report).

Anyways, I've had a chance to read through and take some of the
workouts for a test drive and I have to say, it's excellent
stuff. Really effective info and a TON of video that you can
actually follow along to while training.

They've done a tremendous job putting this program
together...(don't let the 1000 calorie thing scare're
not going to be eating just 1000 calories each day and burning a
1000 calories each workout - it's all laid out very

Now here's the thing...this program uses very simple equipment
(bench, pull-up bar and dumbells) and basic exercises, making it
accessible to just about anyone with a bit of equipment (or a gym

And you know I couldn't let "basic training" happen without
kicking in my 2 cents :)

So what I've done is put together a special bonus that will be
available ONLY to those who purchase that program through the
link that I'm going to send to you later tonight.

It's called "The Best 1000-Calorie Fat Loss Exercises You've
Never Heard Of" and it's going to be PACKED with some of the most
effective (and unique) exercises that you've never seen
before...and you can plug them right into Joel and Arnel's

As I've mentioned before, being inefficient is incredibly
effective for fat loss...and performing exercises you've never
seen before is going to make you work even that much harder with
this training and make it even that much more effective (and

Keep your eyes peeled for it tonight...I'll be giving you more
info on how their program works, too.


P.S. Joel and Arnel have put together some excellent "fast
action" bonuses for this launch that will only be available for
ONE day so it's definitely something you'll want to check out
right away.

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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