Subject: The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of... (and the Best Ab Exercises)

This is the book that started it all for me...

I launched it way back in the dawn of the Internet...

...before Facebook...before YouTube... before iPhones...

It contained 53 of the BEST and most unique exercises I had come up with or encountered at the time.

Honestly, I look back at the exercises in there and I think dang, those are pretty normal compared to some of the stuff I've come up with since :).

And being 2001, dial-up was pretty much all we had, so video was VERY limited.

I managed to get 21 exercise videos into that book, compressed down into 6 megabytes...(which is still big for dial-up!).

You can grab it along with all my other retired books here...


Book #5 - The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of

Nope, this one isn't in the book... :)

What IS in this book are 53 exercises covering every major muscle group in your body such as....

  • Full-Range Pulldowns...these hit pretty much your entire back in each rep, switching from a pulldown to a row DURING the exercise. This gives you an amazing pump in the entire back.
  • Side Lying Dumbbell Flyes... target the peak contracted position of the pecs without cables or machines using just a bench and a dumbbell.

  • Nordic Curls... at the time, nobody knew what these were. They're very popular now, though, and one of the single best hamstring exercises you can do!

  • Nilsson Curls...the BEST compound exercise I've ever come up with building massive biceps (click here to see this one in action)


Why Did I Retire It?

The exercises in this book are still excellent...

...what happened is that eventually people had heard of almost all of them, so the title didn't really fit anymore!

"The Best Exercises You've Already Heard Of" didn't really have the same ring to it!


Book #6 - The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of

This book is an awesome one for training the six-pack abs...I literally have more than 30 different kinds of crunches in it!

One of my favorites is the Low Pulley Preacher Crunch... it puts a MONSTER stretch on the upper abs at the start.

Then you use the pad of the Preacher Bench as a pivot point.

Then you bring the arms overhead and fold in the middle, pushing forward for a strong peak contraction.

Click here to see this one in action on's better to see it in video rather than still pictures.

This book (which has 77 exercises) also gets into lower abs, obliques, and total ab exercises.

If you love ab training, there's all kinds of fun and unique stuff in this book.


Why Did I Retire It?

In addition to needing a facelift, I did eventually come to the conclusion that the book was pretty "spinal flexion heavy" in terms of exercises.

Not that that's necessarily a bad thing...there were just a LOT of exercises that were crunches.

But as I said, if you like that approach to abdominal training, you'll LOVE the exercises in this book.


We've covered 6 of the 8 books now!

I'll be back later today with the remaining two - The Best Exercises 2.0 and Specialization Training.

Quick reminder that tomorrow (Friday) at midnight, I'll be taking this deal down.

You've still got time so no pressure...yet ;).

Click here to grab your Retirement Package Deal now!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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