Subject: The Barbell Shovel Lift...killer core exercise

This one is amazing for the core...about as functional as it gets!

It's another exercise I grabbed from the "Strengthen Your Structure" book from Logan Christopher (use code MAD50 to get 50% off).

And just FYI, when you pick up the book, you'll also get access to a ton of video on exactly how to perform all the exercises methods in the book.

Seeing this stuff in action is definitely very helpful.


Barbell Shovel Lift

The shovel lift is one of the best exercises for challenging your core. It is also a lot of fun
to do.

Add weight to one side of a barbell. Now grasp the barbell with one hand in the middle
and one near the opposite collar, where the weight is not loaded. Pick it up. The shovel lift
can be done in a variety of ways.

Here are some different options to play with.

  • Stand up with the weight, just like a deadlift.
  • Twist to the sides.
  • Thrust the weight forward.
  • Turn over the weight as if you were dumping a shovel load.
  • Lift it overhead.
  • Alter your hand position for better or worse leverage.
  • Challenge your grip more by using a thick handled barbell.

This can be done with a light weight for many reps or very heavy weight. Make sure you
build up in working with heavy weights slowly. Because of the leverage disadvantage you
want to be sure your body is capable of handling the weight and will not be pulled out of


TODAY is the last day that you can use the coupon code MAD50 to get 50% off the price.

Training the structure of your body is truly one of my biggest serets for staying injury free even doing all the crazy stuff I do.

When your connective tissue is strong, you eliminate a lot of the potential for injury.

Quite a few years ago, I was playing pickle ball and stopped short awkwardly when going after a ball...I rolled my ankle so far that the outside ankle bone touched the ground while I was still standing.

But because of all the structural training I had done over the years prior to this, my connective tissue was so strong, I just shrugged it off and kept playing.

In most people (and even me, before building up the structure), that would have been a bad sprain or even a broken ankle.

That absolutely convinced me of the incredible benefits of working the connective tissue and structural components of the body.

This stuff is GOLD.

Get your copy of "Strenghten Your Structure" for 50% off here now! (coupon code MAD50).

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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