Subject: The BEST resisted-stretch exercise I've ever found for the hips...

Specially, the gluteus medius and minimus muscles (the abductors) of the hips.

All you need is a weight plate and a decline bench (I do have suggestions in case you don't have those available).

It's a great exercise for building those two muscles.

And the stretch you get on the hips is fantastic...almost addictive.

I ended up doing a lot of sets of this last night because how good it felt.

Get the full downdown on Plate Stretch Abductions here...


If you're interested in more flexibility and mobility training, I've got a couple of other resources for you to check out here, too.

1. Flow Stretching by Logan Christopher

2. Hyperbolic Stretching by Alex Larsson

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle



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