Subject: The BEST diet I've ever used...(you should see what I'm eating)...

Diets are everywhere...South Beach, Keto, Atkins, low-fat, high-fat, Nutrisystem...the list goes on.

And all of these diets can work...however, the real question is are they sustainable for YOU and how you like to eat?

Because, being honest, no diet is magic...the magic is in a diets ability to achieve a consistent caloric deficit over time.

This is why EVERY SINGLE DIET can's also why most diets DON'T work.

The diets are not sustainable for long periods of time.

That's why I'm a such big fan of my "Starting Monday Diet" (I'm on it right now myself)

With this program, you're never more than a few days away from eating an entirely different kind of food, which means you never focus on what you're missing out on rather than the results you're getting.

This makes is SO much easier to be consistent with the diet and keep the caloric deficit going and get amazing fat loss results, even when it feels like you've tried every diet out there with no success.


Every type of diet has it's positive and negatives...

The Starting Monday Diet take the broad categories of dieting (low fat, low carb, high fat, Intermittent Fasting, etc.) and strategically arranges them into a one-week template that you then repeat...

...starting every Monday.

This eliminates the negatives of each type of eating while maximizing the positives.

It creates an incredible physiological situation in your body where the mere act of changing what types of foods you're eating actually CREATES fat loss.


What's so special about Starting Monday?

In our society, we're hard-wired to think of Monday as the start of the week.

I'm the same way.

When I start a new program or a new diet, I start on Monday.

So with this diet, you don't fight's the name of the program!

Are you familiar with the guilt because you messed up on the you say "I'll start again on Monday"...well, this program has NO GUILT built right in.

You eat more freely on the weekends because you're supposed to....

...because what you did during the week set it up so effectively that you actually SHOULD eat more freely on the weekends...because it's going to help you get even FASTER fat loss results.

Then you start again on Monday.

THAT is what the Starting Monday Diet is all about.

And until TONIGHT at midnight, I've got it on sale for HALF's a quick read so you'll be ready to start on Monday...


This is a diet that allows me to eat stuff like this...

While still getting lean like THIS...

While still being strong enough to do crazy stuff like this...

Go grab your copy now!.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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