Subject: The BEST bodyweight exercise for bigger shoulders...

Bodyweight exercises are GREAT for the shoulders.

In fact, if I could only do one shoulder exercise, it would be the handstand push-up.

However, not everybody is strong enough to do that exercise effectively (I couldn't even get one rep the first time I tried it).

That's where the Pike Handstand Push-Up comes in.

That exercise is done with the feet set on a bench or chair with the body bent 90 degrees in a pike position.

Pike Handstand Push-Ups

This exercise is a great way to hit the shoulders in a very similar fashion, but with less resistance.


The Pike Handstand Push-Up has one big drawback, though...the floor.

When your head touches the floor, it stops you at about half of the range of motion of the push-up, meaning you're getting a lot of triceps involved, even while getting some good shoulder work.

To get even BETTER shoulder work, you need a fuller range of motion.

That's where this exercise setup comes in...the Elevated Pike Handstand Push-Up.

Elevated Pike Handstand Push-Ups for Bodyweight Shoulder Training Top

This setup allows you to get your head below the level of the bench for a FULL range of motion on the handstand push-up movement pattern.

Click here to see the full rundown on this exercise.

Honestly, this is one of the best shoulder exercises I've ever found. My shoulders have a very hard time getting pumped up and they were swelled up like crazy after a few sets of this one.

And yes, it's very safe when done correctly!

I'll give you all the info you need to properly perform it here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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