Subject: The 3 most INSANE things I've done to lose fat...

From Nick Nilsson

Before I tell you these insane things, I just wanted to let you know, if you haven't yet picked up your copy of Joel Marion's "5 Sneaky Fat Loss Tricks" report, you can still grab it here:

5 tricks to TRIPLE your fat-loss results == F.REE download

He's going to be pulling it down in the next day or two, so if you're interested, definitely go download it right away.


So on with the show :)...

And keep in mind with these things, the BASICS of fat-loss are what really gets the job done. I experimented with these tricks in an attempt to squeeze a bit more results from what I was already doing...similar to what Joel's report is about, but a more "experimental."

Below, I'll have a link to a page where I talk about these three things in much greater detail, including IF they worked and HOW WELL they worked for me (I've also included a couple on strength and muscle-building as well there).

1. Cold Water Immersion

With this technique, the basic idea is this: submerge your body in cold water and let it bring your body temperature down enough to cause shivering. Shivering is almost completely fueled by fat, specifically the brown fat of the body (this is fat that is more metabolically active - the stuff that makes you look fat is known as white fat).

Also, the hormone release in response to the stress of cold water immersion may lead to an increase in metabolic rate.

2. Swishing the mouth with oil before doing cardio

This particular technique is a case of taking a scientific study and running with it in terms of practical applications. The specific study showed that the mere presence of fat in the mouth (not even swallowed) resulted in the liberation of fatty acids into the blood stream from fat cells.

It sounds strange but basically, this means when you have fat in the mouth (e.g. olive oil or vegetable oil is what I used), it signals the body to release fat from the fat cells and into the bloodstream. It doesn't have to be swallowed - the body senses the fats in the mouth and responds to it.

3. Doing ALL my training wearing an 85 lb weight vest

This technique resulted in one of THE toughest training programs I've ever done. Basically, I took an 85 lb weight vest (the X-Vest, if you're familiar with it) and wore it for each and every workout (including cardio...non-impact training like incline treadmill walking, elliptical and stair machine) for 5 weeks straight.

The idea here was to dramatically increase caloric expenditure by increasing my bodyweight with the vest. Studies have shown the weighted vest to be a very effective way to increase metabolism and calorie-burning so this one wasn't "out there" in terms of theory. It's already been well-proven. What it WAS far out in was how freaking HARD it was to do...


That's the top three! As I mentioned above, I've got the full rundown on all of them on my site, along with a couple of strength and muscle-building ones, too.

Click here to read the full rundown of these experiments now...


P.S. Here's that link again to pick up Joel's report before it gets taken down:


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