Subject: The 12 critical factors you MUST address for maximum muscle...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So...what if you could CHANGE your genetic muscle-building

Basically, what if you could flat-out MAKE yourself into an
"easygainer" (like the kind that seem to build muscle on a diet
of coffee and cigarettes!).

In my experience, with targeted training, it ABSOLUTELY can be
done...(not the coffee and cigarettes part, mind you)...

...and it can be done by addressing 12 very specific
physiological factors in your training. Heck, in my own
muscle-building programs, the goal is not just to build muscle
but to actually change your physiology so your body is able to
SUPPORT that increased muscle mass.

And this is where Vince DelMonte comes in...

Now, I've known Vince since he first got started in the online
muscle-building business quite a few years ago. The guy really
DOES know what he's talking about.

This time, Vince has put together a special report called "The
12 Untapped Targets To Ignite New Muscle Gains" where he runs
down exactly what these 12 physiological factors are and how to
address them in your training.


I've reviewed it and it's really good info...well worth checking
out. These factors are legit...from hyperplasia (muscle-fiber
splitting) to central nervous system activation to energy system
and hormone-manipulation training.

By working to address and improve ALL of these 12 factors, you
can CHANGE your physiology and increase your muscle
essence, changing your genetic limitations and giving your body
room to grow.

The analogy I like to use is building a house...even after a
house (your body) is built, you CAN still change things inside to
imrpove the house...

...improve the plumbing (circulation)...improve the electrical
(the nervous system)...improve the structural (the connective
tissue and bones)...and you improve the whole house, allowing it
to support more muscle mass.

THAT is what this report will tell you...what factors you can
improve and how to improve them to blast through your genetic
muscle-building limits!



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