Subject: The #1 secret to making bodybuilding food taste GREAT...

Now, first off, I'll tell you right up front...I pretty seriously suck at cooking. problem. Boiling potatoes or it. Cooking from bet. Going to Chipotle for dinner when I can't think of anything to make? Yep...

I'll be honest, the stuff I cook gets boring after awhile.

Here's the big secret to fixing that...


(yeah, duh, so that's not an earth-shattering revelation)

The problem is, most "normal" recipe books are not designed with bodybuilding in mind...they're low in protein, have a lot of sugar or bad fats...etc.

The food might taste good...however, it may not help you move towards your training goals.

You need recipes created FOR bodybuilders BY a bodybuilder.

For this, I recommend a book called "Anabolic Cooking" put out my friend and colleague, the "Muscle Cook" Dave Ruel (currently on sale for 50% off).

As terrible as I am in the kitchen, I've actually tried a couple of these and they turned out awesome. Tasted great and very nutritious.

Food as fuel can also be food that tastes good..and here's how to make it.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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