Subject: The #1 reason you can't lose fat OR build muscle...[here's the fix]

It's not your training...

It's not the supplements you're taking...

It's what you're EATING.

This is not a likely know this already.

However, what you may NOT know is exactly what to DO about it.

Now I'll be straight up honest with you...I almost failed my nutrition class in university (got a C joke...every meal plan I put together apparently had WAY too much protein and too many calories for some reason ;).

Nutrition and meal planning are not my strong suit...(as you can see by the 3 square feet of pizza I'm about to eat) is my passion.

Knowing how to dial in your nutrition, however, is INCREDIBLY important for your success, whether it's for losing fat or building muscle.

And CUSTOM nutrition planning is even BETTER.

So last week, I had a chance to speak with a guy by the name of Andrew Judson, co-owner of Additional Nutritional.

What Andrew and his staff do is create EXTREMELY customized meal plans and nutrition programs for people who are interested in knowing EXACTLY what to eat for their training goals, lifestyle, stress levels, schedules...the works.

In talking with Andrew, I got a really good sense of what his company is all about and what they do.

And I have to say, what they have to offer is FANTASTIC.

The meal plans are professionally designed and can target any goals you might have. They can work with any sort of dietary requirements from vegan to gluten-free to food allergies.

And you will actually get to TALK LIVE to them for support, questions and follow-up....yes, a REAL person who you can ask any and all of your nutrition questions to.

If you truly want to dial in your nutrition (and get support and accountability while doing it), this is absolutely for you.


The Four Pillars of Additional Nutritional

Andrew sent this along to me after our conversation, to help better explain what their service is all about...



This is an essential component missing in 99% of the nutrition information online. You are a unique person with a unique body type, goals, schedule, lifestyle and dietary needs/preferences. All of this is considered when creating your nutrition plan!

A 230lb male with 15% body fat will have far different micro and macronutrient needs than a 150lb female with 28% body fat. We utilize proper nutrient timing and slot everything into a calendar based on your sleep, wakeup, work and workout times.

If you dislike brussel sprouts, we won't ask you to eat them for dinner. If you're lactose-intolerant, vegan or have any other specific restrictions, we will adapt your plan to exclude these foods.



We won’t put you on a nutrition plan hoping you will need us for the rest of your life. Our goal is that in a few month’s time, you will have the tools and knowledge to continue this healthy lifestyle on your own.

We educate as to why you are eating certain foods at specific times of day, how to fuel your workouts and why some foods should be more limited than others.

We also attach 2 published cookbooks to each plan which illustrate different methods of elevating the flavor of foods and how to add variety to your plan in a healthy way.



Reaching your goals is hard, period. We don’t promise shortcuts or effortless quick results.

Being motivated is easy initially but tends to slide after the first month. We provide accountability in the form of check in calls and emails throughout the plan, so that clients are successful and happy.

Each month clients receive a brand-new plan with new recipes so that we can evaluate results and implement necessary changes. This helps to boost motivation and keep things interesting.



One of the largest obstacles people face when trying to reach your goals is emotional attachments/addictions to foods.

When clients are struggling with temptations to binge or a cheat meal is spiraling into a cheat week, we reach out by phone, email, live chat or text. We all fall off the wagon from time to time.

The key is to address the underlying issues and work to get back on track. For some clients, the period of learning how to get back up after they’ve fallen is the most valuable lesson taken away from our plans.

We work through whatever hurdles arise in order to ensure clients' success.


Bottom line is know nutrition is critical to your training success, results and health.

If you haven't been able to get to where you want to go on your's time to get out of the car and get directions from somebody who knows how to get there.

Get your personalized nutrition program here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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