Subject: Target your upper chest with this Gironda-inspired DB exercise...

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If you have a hard time feeling your chest working when bench pressing, you are going to be in SHOCK when you try this one.

Done properly, you will finally feel your upper pecs waking up, as though from a long slumber.

This is a dumbbell bench press variation of an exercise that was a favorite of Vince Gironda...the Guillotine Press, a.k.a. Press to the Neck.

This particular version that I'm going to show you is adapted for those (like myself) who's shoulders can't take the regular barbell version of that press, or the "standard form" dumbbell version, either.

Check it out works GREAT.

Dumbbell Guillotine Bench Press for Upper Chest Shift


How to get up to 3 of my books for FREE...(this is cool)

So I dropped you a quick note about this yesterday but just wanted to follow up because there's only ONE day left to take advantage of this.


When you buy Magnesium Breakthrough (the best magnesium supplement on the market, in my opinion) through any of the links in my emails (through midnight tomorrow), I'll give you any one, two or three of my books for free.

  • If you buy one bottle, I'll give you one book.
  • If you buy the three bottle package, I'll give you two books.
  • If you buy the six bottle package, I'll give you three books.

Just forward your email receipt to with your book(s) request and we'll get it set up for you.

You can see my full line-up of books on this page here.

This includes everything from Metabolic Monsters to Metamorphosis to Muscle Explosion and any of my Best Exercises books.

*** And heck, if you get the six bottle package, and you prefer it, I'll even hook you up with my entire Lifetime Best Exercises All Access All- Book package ($275 value).

That's how much I believe in Magnesium Breakthrough as a product that can really help you.

If you'd like to learn more about it, you can click here to this page and watch a short video that goes into great detail about the 7 different forms of magnesium and how they benefit you.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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