Subject: Target your hips, butt and thighs with this cool combo exercise

This is a good one...

It's a combination exercise will hit your entire lower body, targeting your hips, butt and thighs very effectively, while CRANKING up your metabolism to help you lose fat.

For this exercise, you'll need a bench (or a Step platform) and some form of resistance, such as dumbbells.

You'll be combining two lower body exercises, transitioning smoothly from one to the other...first you're going to do a step up onto the bench then when you step back down, you'll immediately drop back into a reverse lunge.

It's a challenging exercise both from a strength and cardio perspective, PERFECT for fat-loss training.

Grab a pair of dumbbells and stand in front of the bench. Set your left foot up on the bench.

Now step up onto the bench. DO NOT set the other foot on the bench at the want to just stay on the left foot.

Now step your right foot back down onto the floor. Now you're going to bring your LEFT foot back into the reverse lunge.

Come all the way back down until your knee is on or near the ground.

Then come all the way back up to setting your left leg on the bench. Then repeat the sequence.

Do your reps with your left leg on the bench then switch and lead with your right leg on the bench. You can do this on alternating sets (with rest period in between) or you can go straight to the right leg immediately after a rep with your left leg leading.

The sequence of movement is exactly the same.

That's the exercise! It's an excellent one for hitting pretty much your entire lower body in one exercise, making it a very time-efficient and effective exercise for fat loss.


Want to see the video of this exercise in action?

Check out the video for this exercise here (it's Exercise #1)

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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