Subject: [Take the red pill]...and try this INSANE chest exercise

This your last chance...take the red pill or
the blue pill...there's no going back...

This exercise is going to seriously blow your mind...and
honestly, even if you never actually even try it yourself,
just the explanation of the reasoning behind how it
works is going to open your mind to a whole new world
of possibilities in your training.

After all, you don't come to me for "normal" right?... ;)

You won't look at weights, cables or bands the same way again.

The exercise is the Triple Hyrbid Cable-Chain-
Dumbbell Bench Press...

...and here's what it looks like.

I'll take you through it, step-by-step.

1. The Dumbbell Bench Press

When you're doing a dumbbell bench press, you get
maximum tension on the pecs in the bottom portion
of the range of motion.

As you press up, you lose much of that tension in the
pecs as the arms come in towards the mid-line of the
body. The weight is supported primarily by the bones
of the arm rather than muscle tension in the chest.

The exercise, however, DOES allow for substantial my case above, a pair of 105 lb dumbbells.

2. The Cable Flye (or Band Flye)

The standard cable flye is an excellent exercise for
focusing on the peak contraction position of the pecs...
which is bringing the hands in towards the mid-line of
the body.

There is almost NO resistance at the bottom position
of the exercise...the best of the exercise happens as
you bring the hands up and together, in a diagonal/
horizontal movement (which a dumbbell press can't

To do this, I've attached the cables to my wrists via
ankle straps so I can grip the dumbbells freely. You
can also loop the cable around the handle and clip it
back onto itself to attach.

3. The Chains

Adding chains to the dumbbell bench press takes the
exercise to the NEXT level of targeted loading.
Because as you press the dumbbells up, not only are
you losing tension in the pecs...your leverage is also

This means you FEEL stronger (and can move more
weight) in the top portion of the range of motion than
at any other point in the movement.

By hooking chains onto the dumbbells, as I press up,
I'm taking more and more links of the chain off the
ground, dynamically adding weight to the exercise
exactly as the leverage is improving.

Yes, I'm Nuts...And Here's How It Works...

I think you're starting to see the power of this combination....
and when you put it all together, here's what happens...

When you start the press out of the bottom, you've got
maximum loading of the dumbbell bench press exercise
with very little cable tension and minimum chain loading.

As you start to press up, during the first half of the
movement, you still don't have much horizontal tension
from the cables but you're starting to take chain links off
the ground, increasing the resistance.

Once you pass the sticking point of the exercise and you
start to bring your hands in towards the center, your
leverage improves...and THIS is where the cable (or band)
lateral resistance kicks in to provide direct resistance
against the inward action of the pecs.

In addition, you're still taking more and more chain links
off the ground, adding to the load.

As you press to the top and finish the rep, the dumbbell
resistance has dropped a lot but the cable tension is at it's
maximum. In addition, the chain load is also at it's maximum.

Your pecs are STILL under tension...even at lockout...and
under maximum load.

They get NO break from top to bottom through the ENTIRE set.

And let me tell you, the first time I tried this, I seriously thought
my pecs were going to explode. The tension was just

Adapting The Exercise Based on Available Equipment

As great as this exercise is, I also fully realize that not
everybody has access to all the "toys" that I do. The chains
are optional...if you have them, great. If not, the dumbbells
and cables are the biggest keys to the exercise.

If you don't have low-pulley cables to work with, you can
very easily use bands instead. You'll get the same "inwards-
tension" effect via band tension as you will with cables.

Just hitch the bands to a pair of solid objects out to the sides
then loop them around either your wrists or the dumbbell
handles and you're good to go.

Why It's a "Hybrid" Exercise

I call this type of training "Hybrid Training"...combining
multiple forms of resistance into a single exercise to
maximize muscle tension and loading patterns for strength
and muscle gains.

And this Triple Hybrid Bench Press exercise is only just
the beginning...because you KNOW I didn't just stop there... :)

I've actually put together an entire book of this stuff...
exercises just like the one above covering every single
part of your body and every major exercise and movement

This stuff is literally off the hook...and it WORKS.

So if you've hit plateaus with strength or muscle development...
if you've gotten bored in the gym...or if you're just looking to
take your understanding of how the body works to a whole
new level...

Learn how you can make every single exercise you
do 2-3 times MORE effective with Hybrid Training.

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Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

Find me on Facebook Follow Me On Twitter My YouTube Channel


I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

Be sure to visit (and like!) my Facebook fan page and subscribe to my
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More insane Mad Scientist training to help you burn fat, build
muscle and develop YOUR best physique.

Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Maximum Mass
Mad Scientist Muscle
Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss
Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt Now!
The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of
The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of
