Subject: TRASH your quads (w/o knee stress) - new exercise...

This one is going to DESTROY your a good way...without knee stress.

I call it a Quad Stretch Walking Lunge.

It puts a MASSIVE stretch on the quads on every single rep and step, followed by what is essentially a leg extension. This gives you stretch AND contraction.

As a bonus, there is almost ZERO stress on the knees, because the focus is always on the back leg, not the front leg (I'll tell you more about this).



I HIGHLY recommend you watch the video for this one, if you decide you want to give it a try - the form is very important to get right.


First, I recommend you use a kettlebell for this one (a dumbbell will be ok, but the kettlebell is much better because of how it hangs down). I'm using a 53 lb one for this.

Start by holding the weight behind your back with both hands. Then come down into the bottom of a lunge position. The bell part should be resting on the back of your rear leg.

This is basically the quad stretch (from the name of the exercise). At this point, keep your torso vertical or lean slightly back in order to get a stretch through the quads and hip flexors.

This will give you a GREAT stretch on the quads, under load, in a way that is totally safe for your knees.

When you're doing the exercise itself, DO NOT fully rest your knee on the ground. Touch it lightly to the floor, lean back to get the stretch, then continue. It'll be much more effective as this will seriously increase the stretch tension on the quads.

Now tilt your upper body forward.

Push from your BACK leg, straightening the knee. DO NOT stand up with your front leg, like you would with a regular walking lunge. This exercise is all about the back leg.

The weight of the bell resting on the back of your leg will provide direct resistance.

Come all the way up until your back leg is straight and fully extended. This is the leg extension-like part of the exercise.

Then step forward and repeat with the other leg.

This is actually a very SLOW exercise to do. Every step takes several seconds because of the deliberate stretch and hold at the bottom. Don't walk fast and don't go too heavy...I promise it will catch up to you.

Here's what it looks like from the back.

I recommend doing sets for distance with this one. I'm just going up and down the gym floor here (about 20 feet each way). I also did these on the street in front of my house so I could go straight for distance. I got about 40 feet before my quads gave out on the first round.

This one is really tough and painful but actually quite awesome...when you feel the loaded stretch you get at the bottom of every rep, you can almost feel your quads growing. It's an interesting feeling.

You can also do this exercise with a dumbbell, if you don't have any kettlebells to work with.

Hold the dumbbell with both hands like this, behind your back. It's the best way I could find to do it with a dumbbell. It does work, though not quite as well as the kettlebell.

Overall, this one is GREAT as a finisher...(or even as your whole leg workout) it's going to absolutely TRASH your quads.

Don't do this one before any sort of exercise that is going to require leg strength or stability...just a heads up.

Watch the full video of the exercise here.

Click here to start from the exercise demo.


Want even more insane leg training like this?

Click here for 5 more unique leg exercises.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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