Subject: TRASH your quads with this great Front Squat variation...

The Front Squat is a great exercise for quads...

...and it's also one of the LEAST commonly performed exercises in the gym because not only is it uncomfortable to do, core strength is a HUGE limiting factor.

Your quads quite often don't get the full stimulation they need for growth because the core is holding you back in terms of how much weight you can use on the exercise.

THIS setup for the Front Squat solves that problem of core strength limiting your quad work.

And believe me, I'm not suggesting you quit doing Front Squats entirely...they're still an important exercise and you NEED that core strength development as it carries over well to other exercises.

However, if this exercise setup gets you doing a Front Squat type of exercise where you would never do one normally, then it has great value. You use it as a supplemental exercise to your Front Squat to ensure more complete quad stimulation..

And believe me, it is going to TRASH your quads.

I think I'm going to do it for my training tonight, in fact...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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