Subject: TRASH your lower abs with this cool new exercise...

I'll be the first to tell you that you CAN'T totally
isolate the lower abs.

However, what you CAN do is use certain exercises, body
positions and equipment to help shift MORE of the tension to
the lower abs over the rest of the rectus abdominus (the six-pack

Targeting this area will help develop that nice "V" taper that you
see in the lower abdominal area when bodyfat levels start getting
low enough to see it.

It can also help tighten up that section of muscle, which when
done along with other targeted rotational exercises, can flatten
the stomach.

That's where the See-Saw Leg Raise exercise that I've got for
you today comes in...

It's VERY tough and VERY effective at targeting that lower
abdominal area with some serious tension.

And it uses a simple piece of equipment, a.k.a. a gym towel, to
accomplish this.

Check out See-Saw Leg Raises here...

Nick Nilsson

The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. When you've finished checking out the exercise, be sure to
read through the article page that comes up when you close
the page.

Just click "Stay on Page" and you'll be able to read all about the
single biggest fat-loss mistake you could be making right now
that's KILLING your results.

P.P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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