Subject: TRASH your lats and biceps with this killer Chin-Up technique...

The of THE best bodyweight exercises in existence and
one of the primary back exercises you should be doing regularly.

Now we're going to take that great exercise and apply some hardcore drop set
training to it to really light up the lats and the biceps. This type of extended
drop set training is extremely intense and will really hit a LOT of muscle fibers
in the back.

Check out the 6-Part Chin-Up Drop Set Technique here...

Not to be confused with the 4 Step Exploding Heart Technique from Kill Bill...


Also, if you haven't yet had a chance to check out Adam Steers "Bodyweight Burn"
program, and you enjoy bodyweight training, you train at home, and you're looking
for rapid fat-loss, it's a program I HIGHLY recommend.

Check out Bodyweight Burn here...

This program is unique in that it requires pretty much ZERO equipment.

Check out Bodyweight Burn here...


And lastly, got something cool (and free) for you, especially if you're looking to build
some serious muscle.

It's a free 54-page report from Vince Del Monte & Ben Pakulski discussing
the 6 key factors of hypertrophy for achieving REAL gains in size and strength.

==> The 6 Forgotten Factors of Hypertrophy Report --------- click to download

This is VERY good info...definitely worth grabbing a copy of.



P.S. When you pick up Adam's new Bodyweight Burn program, send your receipt to and I'll send you a copy of my unrealeased NEW ebook "The Best
Exercises You've Never Heard Of...2.0
". It's packed with 93 insane new exercises
(not just bodyweight) and right now, the ONLY way to get it is by picking up this
bodyweight program.


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