Subject: TODAY is the last day...2 killer muscle-building books for 10 bucks.

So I just wanted to drop you a quick note here to let you know that TODAY is the last day... get Vince Del Monte's new "No Nonsense Muscle Building: Gene Expression Training" program and my new "Mad Scientist Lactic Acid Training" book together for just 10 bucks.

This DIRT CHEAP price ends in...

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7 Things You Need To Know Before Time Is Up

I've been talking about both of these books the past week and if you're still on the fence, I've got a a few things that will help you make a decision...

1. Did I mention the price is 10 bucks?

It is and that's extremely cheap for all the training info you're going to get. Honestly, my Lactic Acid Training book alone is worth more than that price...when you add in Vince's new program, the real-world value is easily 10 times what you're paying.

It's a no-brainer offer that will help you build muscle FAST.

2. Vince's program is the ONLY lacate-based muscle-building program I know of on the market right now.

I've read the research and looked through the program and it's impressive stuff. The role of Lacate in the anabolic hormonal cascade is clearly proven through research. This is legit and the research bears it out.

Bottom line: Lacate helps you build muscle...and this program shows you how to do it right.

3. Here's What I DON'T Like About the No Nonsense Muscle Building 2.0 Program...

The training split hits each bodypart (for the most part), just once a week directly. Personally, I prefer a higher-frequency approach to training (2-3 times a week with less volume in each workout).

However, that being said, when you factor in the indirect stimulation the muscles are getting, I think it balances out fairly well.

I would likely also change a few of the recommended exercises...(I'm a bit of an exercise fanatic, if you hadn't noticed, so my own exercise selection on this program would be a bit different).

Other than that, this program is rock solid.

4. You Can Change The Exercise Selection Yourself, Based on the Equipment You Have Available

For example, if you don't have a rack do Front Squats with, you could do goblet squats. If you just have dumbbells, you could do dumbbell bench press instead of barbell bench press.

As long as you follow the overall training methodology Vince outlines in each stage of the program, you'll get the results you want. The power of this program lies in the underlying template that creates the systemic hormonal response, not necessarily the exact exercises done as-is from the book.

5. Learn Optimal Training Technique With "Mass Mechanics"

This manual is included with the program and it contains 283 pages of exercise technique information. The value is off the charts here...worth WAY more than 10 bucks on it's own.

Even if you don't use the main program or my Lactic Acid workouts, you'll easily get your 10 bucks worth just in this one manual alone.

6. Did I Mention It Really Is Just 10 Bucks?

I think I did, but I want to do it again, because it's just insane. When Vince first told me the price he was going to sell this at, I was thrilled...because that price puts GREAT information within affordable reach of just about everybody.

Honestly, that's one of the reasons I'm emailing you so much about this program. It's an incredible opportunity to pick up a TON of quality training info for almost nothing and I want to make sure you know everything you need to know to take advantage of this.

This price WILL be going up to $47 at midnight, tonight, though, so the time to grab it is right now.

7. Get My "Mad Scientist Lactic Acid Training" Book as a Bonus ONLY When You Pick Up Vince's Program.

I saved this for last because I think its the best part :).

I've been researching and putting together Lactic Acid training protocols for more than 17 years now. I KNOW how powerful this stuff is and I KNOW how to get your lactate cranking.

The protocols I've included in this book are the "best of the best" that I've come up with.

I've got techniques that will flood your entire body with Lactic Acid for 30-40 minutes at a time...not seconds...MINUTES.

These techniques will blow you away...they will TRANSFORM your entire body...and you can ONLY get this book as a bonus when you order No Nonsense Muscle Building 2.0 today. After midnight, my Lactic Acid Training book goes back in the vault.


Bottom line...

(after you order, or if you've already ordered, just forward your receipt to and we'll hook you up)

Order now and get Vince's full program AND my book together for just 10 bucks before the price almost QUINTUPLES...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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