Subject: TODAY is the last day for my 4 book Fat Loss Package deal!

If you were thinking about picking this up, do it now.

For just 20 bucks, you'll get four of my best fat loss books...

  • The Starting Monday Diet
  • Metabolic Monsters
  • Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss
  • The Best Fat Loss Exercises You've Never Heard Of



These four books cover EVERYTHING you need to know to drop fat FAST.

1. Metabolic Monsters - a collection of metabolic conditioning workouts that will keep you strong while getting lean. You've likely seen me post a number of these before...they're insanely effective...tough, but effective.

2. Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss (brought out of retirement) - my 36-day, "paint-by-numbers" fat-loss program that will get you lean in record time (no thinking required - all you have to do is follow the program!).

3. The Starting Monday Diet - a weekly eating schedule that works great as medium-term diet (not a lifestyle diet and also not a difficult crash diet). This is a diet that is sustainable for fat loss without losing an ounce of strength or muscle mass.

4. The Best Fat Loss Exercises - some of my best unique movements that involve a TON of muscle so that the time you spend in the gym gives you the biggest bang for your fat-loss buck.


The best part about these books is that everything is done for you...

Well, except the actual work, of course...I'm talking about the knowledge :)

The workouts, exercises, programs and diet have been thoroughly tested...literally for years by thousands of people.

They work, and they work FAST.

If you've hit a plateau in your fat loss, this is exactly what you need.

Click here and to go directly to the order'll have all four books in 2 minutes flat.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

P.S. FYI, these books are great for men AND women!

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