Subject: THIS took my handstand push-ups from 0 to 40 reps...(you can do it, too)

Everybody has (and wants to fix!) stubborn, hard-to-develop bodyparts.

For me, it's shoulders, calves and biceps. For you, it may be chest and triceps or perhaps hamstrings and quadriceps.

No matter what the bodypart, the solution to it remains the same...specialization.

And THIS is the simplest way to specialize on a muscle or quickly improve strength on an exercise without affecting your regular training.

I used this method to take my handstand push-ups from zero to 40 reps in about 3 months...this stuff works for real.

Check it out here.

Daily Specialization Training For Building Up Lagging Bodyparts Fast

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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