Subject: THIS is when you're most likely to get injured when training...

Now, let me just say up front, this is based on my own experience and observation, not on actual science...

I think you're most likely to get injured NOT while you're actually performing an exercise...'s when you're getting the weight into and out of position for the exercise.

If you think about it, when you're getting a weight INTO position (especially with some dumbbell exercises), your body isn't set up in the perfect supporting position yet. You're in the process of GETTING into that perfect position...yet you've still got that same load and it's very unstable.

On the flip side, when you've completed your set, you're in a fatigued state...which is when form tends to break down. At that point all you want to do is get rid of the weight.

THIS is the point where you REALLY have to be careful not to put yourself in a position that can lead to injury.

Next time you see somebody squatting (or YOU squat), watch the re-racking of the bar. Does the person lean forward and slam the weight forward into the uprights of the rack like they're toppling over? Or do they step forward until the bar is over the J hooks, then set the weight down vertically while maintaining good body mechanics?

What I've got for you today is a full rundown on how to get into and out of position for a Dumbbell Bench Press...

And this is done WITHOUT a spotter and WITHOUT dropping the weights on the floor at the end of the set, which I personally can't stand, not only because it's potentially damaging to the eqiupment, but because it has MASSIVE potential to injure the shoulders and pecs with serious and rapid overstretching when the weights come down.

This is the technique I've been doing for 25+ years myself, with dumbbells as light as 10-20 lbs and as heavy as 150 lbs because it WORKS.

Check it out here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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