Subject: THE single best strength-building technique I've ever come up with...

So today I want to teach you one of THE single most powerful
training techniques that I've ever discovered for making rapid
gains in strength in a single exercise. It's elegant in its simplicity,
brutal in its execution and quite literally ASTONISHING in its

I'll tell you right now, this will blow the doors off any
preconceived notions you might have about training volume
and what your body is capable of adapting to when pushed
to it's limits.

The very first time I came up with this technique, I used it to
do dumbell shoulder presses. It was a Friday afternoon
workout, and I did a set of 8 reps with a pair of 60 lb

On Monday, only a few days later, I pressed 80 LB DUMBELLS
for 11 REPS - same exercise, and using strict form. That was
a 25% increase in strength in only a matter of 4 days...


I call it Compound Exercise Overload...and if you've tried it
before, you know how powerful it is.

If you haven't tried it yet...well...

Let's just say, you're in for a treat...a really, really eye-opening

Check it out here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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