Subject: THE single BEST intensity technique to blow up your chest...

Intensity techniques for chest training are often VERY overused (i.e. forced reps) and often VERY ineffective (i.e. forced reps).

Sure, you feel like you're working harder, but I have to say, I'd rather get more productive results rather than just feeling like I'm working harder!

I've got a bench press technique for you here that's going to do just that...I call it "Range of Motion Triple Add Sets".

This one is going to take a bit of explaining...but once you mentally understand how it works, you're going to be AMPED to try it out next time you're in the gym!

It's an intensity technique (in this case done with the bench press, though it can be easily applied to other exercises) that targets ALL your major muscle fibers types in one set.

You're going to hit Type 1 endurance fibers, Type 2a moderate/heavy strength fibers and Type 2b explosive/very heavy fibers, all in one set.

This technique is going to produce MAXIMUM hyprertrophy and fiber activation for your chest in a minimum of time.


The ONE Supplement I Take Every Single Day, Without Fail...

In fact, I like this one so much that I actually put myself on monthly auto-ship for it...and I NEVER put myself on auto-ship on anything!

Even more, I actually get DOUBLE the recommended amount every single month because I think it's so good.

What is this amazing supplement?

It has very little to do with muscle or fat's about HEALTH.

The supplement is Athletic Greens...and it's literally the first thing that goes down the hatch every single morning, right after I wake up.

You can read more about it on their site here...
I absolutely love this stuff. My wife and I take it every day and we NEVER get sick...heck, when I'm dieting, it sometimes feels like I'm LIVING on it :).

Just fyi, the manufacturer is currently running a 50% off special on your first order of Athletic Greens...this deal won't be available for much longer, though, so if you're interested, definitely check it out asap.

Litearally, if I was only allowed to take one supplement, this would be it.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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