Subject: Swiss Ball Roll-Ups for Lower Abs...[new exercise]

Nick Nilsson

Hey, I’ve got another new sample from my Powerful Training
Secrets site for you!

Swiss Ball Roll-Ups
Posted December 14th, 2010

This is one of my favorite exercises for hitting the lower abs
without placing torque on the lower back. You'll need a Swiss
ball and a decline bench to do it and it's going to HAMMER your
abs...not just lower but pretty much top to bottom!

Check it out here:


Facebook Comments

Be sure to post your comments, ideas and experiences on the
page...I've got a comments section at the bottom that I've got
hooked into Facebook. You can "like" the exercise and even
post your comments so they show up on the page and get posted on
your Facebook profile.

I always enjoy the feedback I get from you!


P.S. Got something cool for you here from my partners at Prograde
(one of the very few supplement companies I have full trust in -
I take their stuff all the time and love it).

They've got their Essential Fatty Acid product on sale right now
for 20% to celebrate the release of their new formula containing
a nutrient called "astaxanthin" which has documented positive
effects on fat loss and endurance.

And no, it's not some proprietary B.S. ingredient they just made
up :) I just read the article on it that they have posted on
their site and it's very interesting stuff...definitely something
to check out:


And here's the link to grab it for 20% off:



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