Subject: Super fast fat loss... and unstoppable muscle building

So after announcing my "retirement" sale yesterday, I got a bunch of questions about the books that I pulled out of the vault.

Over the next couple of days, I'm going to get into a lot more detail on those, so you can see exactly what you'll be getting in the package.

(Just FYI, some people had issues with the link to the page...if the link didn't work for you, I have the straight URL in the bottom of the email that you can copy and paste into your browser).


Book #1 - Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss

This 36-day program will take you through my three biggest secrets for rapid and PERMANENT fat loss...


1. My "idiot-proof" formula for keeping and building muscle and strength while losing large amounts of bodyfat FAST (and it IS possible, even in advanced trainers) and without having to spend your whole life in the gym.

2. An EASY nutrient-rotation strategy that TOTALLY prevents metabolic slowdown so you NEVER hit a fat-loss plateau...and how to customize your training to the exact nutrients you're eating to literally DOUBLE your results.

3. How to structure your overall training program so rebound weight gain DOES NOT HAPPEN and you continue to lose fat even after you're done.


To give you an idea of good this program works, I've got some of my own "before and after pics."

Way back in 2004, after moving into a new house and letting my training and eating slide for a bit too long, I got pretty out of shape.

That's the picture on the left...

On the right, this was taken was after doing two complete rounds through the Metabolic Surge program.

These results are INSANE...and even though a good part of it was me getting back into shape, other people using the program have experienced similar (and sometimes BETTER results!).

This is one of my favorites...

Hi Nick,

I purchased the Metabolic Surge e-book about eight weeks ago and just finished up the strength and recovery phase. Let me say that I can't wait until next week so I can start all over. I cannot believe the results that I got. I really didn't have an accurate way of measuring my bodyfat when I started, so I got a pair of Accu-Measure calipers about three weeks into the program. At that time I weighed 255 at 26% bodyfat and my clothing were already starting to get loose. Now I weigh 253 with 23% bodyfat. That's a 3% loss [in bodyfat] in only 4 weeks. Unbelieveable! I took before and after pictures like you recommended and what a difference, especially the picture from behind.

Also, when you said that I wouldn't lose muscle and might even add some, I thought you were a little off your rocker. WAS I WRONG. Not only did I not lose any, I really slapped it on. Here is an example of one of my strength gains. Prior to starting I could flat bench 205 for 5 reps. My last strength and recovery workout I did 235 for 6 reps. Absolutely every muscle group saw gains.

Now straight from the heart, let me thank you very, very much for putting together this program and offering it at such a reasonable price.

For the last six years, I have been trying to find a way to shed weight and have had one failure after another only to wind up being heavier. You have helped me overcome the biggest obstacle on this journey, my work schedule. Working 12 hour days is no picnic. Working out after a 12 hour day would have been insane, training the way that I always trained. I always lifted for 45 minutes and then did 30 minutes of cardio 5 or 6 days a week. My diet was never what it should have been either.

Now I can go after work, hit it hard and get home and it's only an extra hour. You also helped me out with some adjustments to the program to accomodate my schedule. I once asked a trainer at my gym how I could maximize my training on this schedule and he told me I should change jobs. He doesn't work there anymore. I was thinking a few months ago if I look okay next summer I would be happy. Now I want to see if I can get a six pack for Xmas, and I am not talking beer.

By the way, my wife, who is still battling the extra weight from our daughter, who is three, is 2/3 of the way through the Level One program. She has seen more results in the two weeks she has been on your program than she did in the two months she spent working with a personal trainer. Don't get me wrong, she did get results, but not this good. She's planning on doing the full program next. She was so excited when she pulled out the boxes of her old clothing this past weekend and started fitting into all of the smaller sizes.

Anyway Nick, thanks a million. You are a fine person and should take pride in this program. I have been checking out for my future fitness needs. Right now I am just going to stick with Metabolic Surge until I fulfill what I only thought was a dream.

Thanks again.
Keith Hallman


So why did I retire this book?

Honestly, this program is FIRE...and still is. The program will work like crazy for you.

But the whole thing needs a serious facelift.

It's on my to-do list, but I haven't had a chance to get it done yet.

When I do, this program will go back up for sale for around the same price as what I've got the ENTIRE retirement package on sale for! ($35).

Because you'll be a purchaser of the program, you'll get this update FREE.

Click here to get your Retirement Package now!

I've got some of the workouts taken directly from the Surge progam posted on YouTube so you can get an idea of the training.

Fat Loss Circuit Training - Empty Bar

Power Start Lactic Acid Training for Legs



Book #2 - Mad Scientist Muscle

This is a killer muscle-building program.

The first part of the program targets the underlying physiology and structure of your body with training designed to help your body build and hold onto muscle better (i.e. you can't be truly big and strong unless your connective tissue is strong).

It then uses the concept of Controlled Overtraining to first ramp your training volume up then, once you build up that anabolic momentum, ramp it back down so that you cruise to massive strength gains.

The volume phase is like when you're going up a steep hill in your car and you've got it floored. When you come over the top of the hill, we're going to KEEP it floored.

The loading is backed way off and all that adaptive energy gets put into building muscle and strength.

You can make BIG jumps in mass and strength without the issues of hitting a plateau.

And, I've got some more before and after pics for you!

The first set of pictures is right after I graduated high school (17 years old), right when I first getting serious about weight training.

These pictures were from a triathlon that I decided to do (I was a monster endurance athlete at the time so I didn't train for it...just jumped in and did it).

The pictures below were taken 18 years later (at 35 years old). Carrying a bit of extra fat, but that's what Metabolic Surge is for :).

This book contains 4 blocks of 2 months of can select which style you want to work with for the Controlled Overtraining part (Time-Volume Training, Cluster Training, Rest-Pause Training, or Frankenstein'll see).


So why did I retire this book?

After more research and testing, I discovered that the Structural Training sections in the program needed to be longer and more intensive for targeting each aspect of your physiology in order to see real, meaningful changes.

This became my Metamorphosis program.

The Controlled Overtraining part is awesome so I separated that out and it became my Two Block Mass program.

This Mad Scientist Mucle program is still a beast and incredibly effective, though!

Here are a couple of sample workouts from the program...

In-Set Supersets For A Bigger Upper Back

Wave Loading Cluster Training For Bench Press


Those are the first two books I'm going to run down...

I'll be back later today to cover a couple more, then I'll do the rest tomorrow.

Just so you know up front, FRIDAY at midnight will be the deadline to pick up the entire package of 8 books (+2 bonus books) for just $35.

Click here to grab your Retirement Package Deal now!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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