Subject: Stronger at 55 than you were at 35?

"Go heavy or go home" is NOT always the best way to train as you get older, especially if you're new to training or trying to get back into shape.

Now for me, as you know, I'm a bit nuts...I LOVE training with heavy weight, and I'm not going to stop...however, I'm 42 now and I've accumulated some "dings" over my 25+ years of training.

There are certain exercises I won't do anymore or just can't go heavy on anymore without risk of reinjury. Yet, I'm just as strong (if not stronger) in many exercises than I was 20 years ago.

I'm an advanced trainer, though...if you are older and just getting into training or trying to get back into shape, you may not have the knowledge to pick the right exercises and programs to get to where you want to be.

Josh Hewitt is an expert on fitness for men and women 40, 50, and 60+. And in this interview, he's going to tell you how to get it done....burn fat, build strength and restore youthfulness.

Josh USED to believe in the old "Go Heavy or Go Home" thing...

However, after putting in a TON of research, he came to a different conclusion.... one that was
the complete opposite of what most trainers and fitness magazines tell you about working out.

Josh realized that the "Go Heavy or Go Home" adage was outdated and ineffective for older trainers, especially those who are just picking it up for the first time or coming back to it after getting out of shape.

He was forced to come up with a new way of training.

In this interview with Josh, he talks about some of the new methods he used to get himself back in shape after he found age, lack of time and a spare tire creeping up on him.

Since you’re a loyal subscriber to this newsletter, you're able to get this info at it’s introductory discount…and you'll get some excellent advice on how to get yourself back into shape without injury.

How To Be Fit After Forty - Full Interview (Click Here)

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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